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I turned around and saw Jorel leaning against his door frame.
"Daniel." Jorel said in a serious voice.

"It's your mother. She wanted me to tell you she left a message," Jorel pointed to the phone, and I scooted my feet over and picked it up. I heard my mom's recorded message.

"Dannykins, I know this is sudden but something has come up at work. They want me with them on their business trip, so I'll be gone for 2 weeks. You're a young man, and I know you can care for yourself, I just still don't want you to be alone. And Mr. Decker was kind enough to volunteer to be your babysitter while I'm gone. Food should last long enough, I'll be back soon,
I love you Danny."
The message ended.

I dropped the phone, hearing it hit the floor and turned towards Jorel's gaze.
"Babysitter?! I don't need a fuckin' babysitter!" I yelled still hiding my bruises.

"Call it whatever you want let's just go." Decker said grabbing his keys and yet another alcahol for the road.

"What? No. You can't just 'volunteer' to be my babysitter, your my teacher, not a long time friend. My mom doesn't even know you!" I objected.

"Mhmm. Ya sure. But you know that I punish little boys named Daniel that won't get in the fucking car. Now let's go. I don't wanna be here all day." Jorel announced.


I found myself in the passenger seat of his silver car. I crossed my arms over my chest and look out the window. "What's your address?" He asked. I ignore him. "Hello? Earth to Daniel, I asked a question." I told him my address in a snobby attitude.

I'm guessing my anger is mainly coming from me being to weak to fight of Aron. And the fact that I can't fend for myself, I'm always being pushed around, my mom's gone for about two weeks, I can't be alone in my own house, and that I've gotta babysitter -aka- my math teacher. Damn.

He started the engine and opened his alcohol. He took a sip and placed it in the cup holder, and took me home.


We soon arrived in my driveway I opened up the car door and jumped out slamming it shut.
"Hey! Don't be slamming my doors, Murillo. Or else." Jorel threatened me, I just stuck out my tongue and stormed to the front door unlocking it. Jorel wasn't far behind me so I slammed the front door in his face.

I'm in a slamming doors mood. I was about to walk into the kitchen for a snack when Jorel figured out I didn't lock the door, I only slammed it.

"Daniel!" Jorel yelled in frustration, "What the fuck has gotten into you lately?! You're acting like a little bitch!"

"Oh so now I'm the bitch, huh?! Look, I never asked for a 'volunteer babysitter'. I'm fine on my own and I don't need your dumb ass here fucking up the place!" I lashed back in anger.

Jorel wasn't putting up with my shit today, he stomped over to me, and picked me up, and threw me on the couch, pinning me down afterwards.
"Get off me you fucking idiot!" I tryed struggling my wrists free from his grip but I wasn't strong enough. As usual...

"Alright Daniel, I've about had it with you! I'm not in the mood for your 'Oh I don't need a babysitter' bullshit! I told your mom I was staying here to watch you and I'm going to stay. Got it?"

"Whatever! Just get the hell off of me."

Jorel looked at my face for a moment but then got off. I stood up and was about to run to my room downstairs. But Mr. Decker grabbed my wrist yanking me back. I had tears in my eyes again.

"Get back here! Look at me..." He said the last part quietly as I avoided his eyes.
"Daniel. Look at me. . ." I slowly turned my head so he could now see the huge black bruise that was forming, along with my bloody lip and the dark  hicky on my neck.
He embraced me in a hug, I hesitated but wrapped my arms around his neck and began to cry uncontrollably. He then rubbed my back gently. And I closed my eyes, clutching his jacket tightly.

I felt soft fingers slip through my hair. The hug was long and warm, I didn't wanna let go. Because if I did, I'd be alone.

I grew tired, my body became heavy and I cryed myself to sleep in Jorel's arms.


I blinked my eyes open to find I was cuddled up on the couch. I nuzzled my nose into a pillow.

A pillow that smelt like alcohol...

I was laying on Jorel's chest, his arm was wrapped around my waist. My eyes widened and I flung my head up.

Jorel grunted and pulled me back down, "Quit moving and go back to sleep." He said with and tired voice and his eyes closed. I think I was keeping him warm. Well to bad, I'm not a blanket.

Despite what Jorel said I got off the couch, leaving him alone. Which was the exact thing I didn't want....

Was to be, alone.

The Naughty Teacher (Danny X J-Dog)Where stories live. Discover now