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Y/N P. O. V

Today is the day, the day I'm on my own, the day when I need to learn to live independently.

My parents drop me at the station. This is the first time I'm all alone and on my own. Lizzie will be joining shortly. She said she'll come to London after sorting some things out with her family. I was very much fine with it. I told her to take her time and start when she knew she was ready for it.

"We're so proud of you Y/N. You don't know" Mum cupped my cheeks before pulling me into a hug and Dad joined in

"The house will feel so empty without you." Dad said, breaking the silence between us. I can't imagine what the house would feel like without me.

Mum pecks my forehead before letting me hop onto the train.

This is it.

I'm on my own now. I get to my seat and look outside the window in search of my parents. They wave at me, with a single tear dropping from Mums eye, which made mine fill with tears. Dad took her in her arms and comforted her, telling her that I'll be okay or i assumed so because I couldn't hear anything.

The train starts to move with a slight jerk and its speed ascending slowly. Mum walks with the speed of the train, her eyes locked with mine. Everything turned into a blur due to the tears threatening to leave my eyes. I wave one last time, my mouth syncing to the words 'bye' and then the train leaves the station.

I bury my back onto the seat, bringing my palms to my face, allowing the sleeves of my Hoodie to soak the tears. Thankfully there were really less people around so probably no one saw me crying.


'Passengers may I have your attention please, we'll be arriving shortly at the London station'

I wake up with a jerk when I hear the word 'London'. How long have I been asleep?

I look outside the window, admiring the view. I remember calling Dan to pick me up from the station so I hope he is there. The station is visible in the distance I and start to get up and grab my luggage.

The train stops moments after that, as I keep picturing images of what London will be like after such a long time. The last time I came here was when I was in middle school which was pretty long back.

When I get off the train i fish for my phone through my side sling to call Dan, hoping he'd pick up quickly.

"Dan? Hello? Can you hear me?" i grow impatient. What if he wasn't there to pick me up.

"Hey! Y/N! I'm there at the station." Dan voice showed worry in his words.

"Dan! Oh my god! I was worried you weren't gonna be there" I sigh with relief.

"why wouldn't I be there? Why would I leave my girlfriend like that?" I blush at his statement.

I make my way to the exit, pushing through some people. As I near the exit, i notice Dan, his eyes looking everywhere. I raise my hand in order to catch his attention.

Once he notices me, i run to him as fast as my legs could carry me with all my luggage. I jump onto him the moment I reach closer. He wraps his arms around me.

"o my God Dan! I'm so happy to see you after such a long time. Why didn't you accept my video calls." I ask in an angry but friendly tone.

"you dropped your bag" he diverted our conversation by pointing toward my suitcase.

"oh sorry I'll just pick it up" I reply, not complaining about the fact that he didn't answer me. Dan loosens his grip around me and allows me to pick my luggage.

"So...how're we gonna...go to your place?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence between us.

"oh yeah! Stampy is waiting outside" Dan pointed his thumb towards the exit.

Dan takes my suitcase and lets me go first

"Ah Y/N! It's been so long!" Stampy hugged me, and to be very honest, it felt better than Dan. I also notice a blonde girl behind Stampy whose face seemed familiar. She had a cute smile on her face

"Oh by the way, this is Beth...my girlfriend. You know, the one I talked about during the camping trip" i remembered Stampy showing us a picture of her

"o gosh! You look even prettier in real life" I compliment, making her blush

"aw thank you Y/N . let me tell that they both talk about you so much."


"Okay guys, i got a cab. Quick! Get in" Dan motions us to come over.


After a drive of fifteen to twenty minutes, we reach their apartment.

"Wow, the building is pretty tall" i remark.

"wait till you get inside" Dan smirked at me.

We all got inside the lift with my luggage. Their apartment was on the 5th floor.

It turns out they lived in separate apartments, in front of each other. 'why?' I thought to myself the whole time.

"Okay Y/N, now that you're here, I decided to throw a party in honor of you joining our squad. Our apartment, 6 pm." Beth said, unlocking the door to hers and Stampys apartment, or i assumed so.

"Squad?" I ask, a confused expression plastered on my face.

"You'll find out" She said before closing the door to her apartment.

"Y/N" Dan called. He was standing next to the open door of his apartment,waiting for me to go in.

My jaw drops the moment I enter. Their were pictures of us together hung pretty much everywhere. Dan shut the door behind me.

He cleared his throat once before continuing,"So...how'd you like it?"

"Dan...This...this is amazing" I say, covering my mouth with both my hands.

All of a sudden his arms snake around my torso making me gasp. I haven't had this feeling in a long time now, the feeling of being held close.

Dan gently pecks my neck before kissing my hand. The sensation sends tingles through me. He picked me up like he used to and took me to a room, I assume it was his room. There was a monitor and a microphone so it was definitely his room.

He put me on the bed, gently, and climbed on top of me. He had a smirk on face now

"D-Dan...what're you doing?"


Ive been delving into the world of kpop and went to deep, Explains why i was late with updates

Okay but THIS FIC HIT 1K OMG WHAT?! thank you guys so much. It truly blows my mind. AND ALSO Lost... IS AT 7K OMG WHAT

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