Chapter 2 Oh Shit!

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After Blake and I left the beach we decided to go hang out for a while. We were sitting in the bed of his truck making out. That's when I noticed Nick across the street at the pharmacy. I pushed Blake off.

" Babe what's wrong " Blake said in his sad voice

"Nick is at the pharmacy across the street"

"Shit do you think he saw us" he said all worried

" I don't know I hope not"

That's when we noticed him walking across the street and he looked pissed off. I just wanted to go run and hide. when he got over to us he was yelling.

" What the hell Blake why where you kissing my sister" he was pissed.

" ugh ummm I... see.. like... me...and Bre have been... umm dating" Blake barley could speak.

Nick looked at me and I was about to cry I didn't want him to find out this way.

" How could you date my best friend. Your my sister my twin sister for that. Why Bre"?

I started to speak but Blake cut me off.

" Its not her fault man I didn't want to tell you. She wanted to but I was scared of how you would react."

"How long have you to been dating behind my back."

"We.. been ... dating... since Freshman year." I blurted out

"What the hell you to been dating for at least 4 years and you didn't think to tell me"

Tears started to come out of my eyes

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you"

"Yeah I bet you are Bre have you to had sex"


"when and did you use a condom" he sounded even more pissed.

"About a month ago and no we didn't"

"You have to be freaking Kidding me you could get pregnant then I would have to kill you and my best friend"

" Nick..." Blake said

"What I really don't want to talk to you right now"

" Well actually she is pregnant we were gonna tell everyone tonight at dinner"

" Bre is this true you are pregnant" He had tears in his eyes

"yes I'm sorry Nick I never meant to hurt you"

"Well you did I don't want to talk to you for a while you better tell mom and dad tonight"

" We are I promise"

As he walked away u fell into Blake's arms crying I just wanted all of this to go away.

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