The Truth

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Blake was holding me forever at what it seemed like, I couldn't stop crying I couldn't believe I heard my brother like that, my twin brother, he was my bestfriend and I broke his trust I didn't want him to find out like this maybe Blake and I should have told him from the beginning and maybe this would all be okay.. Well maybe not the part about me being pregnant but still okay and Blake wouldn't hate Blake or me.
After a few hours of sitting there I looked at my phone and saw it was time to go home and tell everyone if Nick hasn't already. I wad just hoping my parents didn't hate me too.
"Babe it's time to go tell my parents, I don't want them to hate me like Nick does."
"Bre honey look at me" he takes my hands into his "everything is gonna be okay I have my apartment I have a job you have a job. Yes your parents are gonna be mad we kept everything away from them but they will get over it no one is gonna hate you. They are your family they love u honey bun don't forget that."
I love how Blake always has these cute nicknames for me they cheer me up so much. I'm glad I found a guy that is loyal, sweet and strong. He is perfect I love him.
"Okay I trust u and I hope your right baby"
" honey I know I am"
The car ride to my house felt like forever I felt like I was in a car for over 24 hours. When I saw my house I started panicking but I calmed myself down when I looked at Blake showing me it's okay. We got out of his truck and started walking to the door when I saw my brother standing in the door way. When I got up to him I looked at the ground and just started crying I didn't know what else to do. Nick grabbed and pulled me into his arms.
"Im sorry for the way I acted toward you to when I found out I was just mad, can you forgive me."
I let go of Nick and smiled " of course I can forgive you can you forgive me for dating your best friend and getting pregnant"
" as much as it killed me to say this yes I do I really do lets just tell mom and dad first so we can get all the drama out of the way before my little niece or nephew gets here."
Blake butts in " thanks man for supporting us"
Nick looks over at Blake smiles " bro I forgave my sister I haven't forgave u yet I'm supporting my sister not you in fact I really don't like u right now you knew how close I was to my sister you knew I would do anything to protect her you knew if you liked my sister you were to tell me and I would have been okay but lying going behind my back for 4 years and getting her pregnant is something I will never forgive you for so let's just go inside and get this over with"
I walked inside Saul mom and dad setting the table I was so nervous Blake could tell he whispered in my ear "everything will be one baby girl so relax" I relaxed a little.
I got so scared when they looked at how close Blake and I were standing next to each other when Nick was sitting down I blurted it out...
" I'm dating Blake we been dating for 4 years now Nick just found out, I lost my virginity to him about a month ago and I'm pregnant don't hate us please don't hate me." I started crying really hard that I fell to the floor I saw my dads feet move and I knew what that meant I got up and got I front of Blake and saw my dad coming toward us he was pissed and I looked over at my mom crying.
" I'm sorry mom and dad"
My dad yelled "shut up and move out my way honey I need to speak to Blake alone in my office"
I knew what that meant my dad didn't have a office he meant the back yard where no one could see him beat the shot put of my boyfriend.
" no dad I'm not moving I'm sorry your mad but it's not his or my fault I got pregnant we didn't think I could get pregnant cause of my birth control mom had me on for my periods."
My dad looked at my mom " you put our daughter on birth control and didn't tell me"
She looked up " yes and this is why cause I knew you would act this way"
"Me act what way you putting our daughter on the pill pretty much saying it's okay to have sex and have a boyfriend when you know it's not she needs well needed to focus on her school and her future then worry about those later."
" honey do you really think your 18 yr old daughter was gonna go with out as boyfriend in. Her teen years."
"Yes I did"
"Well your wrong"
" I see that now honey thanks"
Dad turned back to us and told me to move he just wanted to talk wasn't gonna hurt him out of respect for me. I moved and was holding Blake's hand when my dad shocked me, with what he did next.
My dad took Blake into a friendly hand shake and said " your lucky I don't kill you that's my daughter and I want her happy and if being with you does that fine I'll back off but I'm still excepting the fact that you got her pregnant but as long as you are gonna be there for her and that baby I'll be there to support you both."

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