(Mida Rana x Male! Ayano) Can't think of any Tittle

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Ayato aishi-7
Mida rana-17
She didn't know What came over Her, falling Inlove over A little Boy  8-9 years younger than her, 

Maybe it's because of his Emotionless Facade, Or The fact that He isn't like any other Boys or Some Girls She met,

it's his Whole being that Made her Adore him ,His Blank Expression she finds cute, a face Resembling the cute China doll one of her Suitors gave her.

She couldn't get him out of her head and nearly became a Laughing stock when she daydream about him in the  middle of Her Teacher's lectures
She's Interested  about Him, almost obsessed at the thought of him,
She remembered That fateful Day she met him, Under The Cherry Tree,


Mida rana Smirk as she noticed another Teenager Younger than her drool at the sight of her unfortunately for said Teenager, He Brought his girlfriend and said girlfriend is already slapping him in the face

It's not like she can Help it, Just blame it To her Puberty


She stoped on her track as She heard a Harpy voice of A kid, along with an almost Monkey Sound of the other kids

Looking at the Direction of said Noise, She saw a bunch of Kids maybe 6 or 7 years of age ganging up on Someone sitting on the bench, Which she couldn't see,

Her instincts Told her to save the poor kid while Her Brilliant Brain of hers Rejected the Idea and urge her to go home

She always trusted her instinct, They never fails to save her from trouble and always the absolute one and It looks like she will choosevit once again

Walking elegantly towards the Harpies and Monkeys, She crossed her arm towards her (big) chest and Cleared her Throat

They Looked at her in surprised before A deep blush Formed in their Faces, she mentally smirk, even children couldn't Resist her beauty

Except... for  the boy sitting on the bench looking at His plushy toy

Time seemed to slow down as His eyes met her's, Her Heart beats Wildly against her Chest as She  stared at the Beauty sitting On the bench

"W-What do yu wan mis?" Harpy boy stutter as He stared at the beautiful woman in front of them

She snapped And Divert her attention to the bullies, glaring at them which made the bullies flinch

"Didn't your Parents teach you some Manner? Such a shame that they have a Child like you" She stated icily They started to tear up and Wail

She Glared More heatedly which made them stop and Tried not so sob

"If i found out that You Bully this kid ever again, You'll go to hell, Now scram! " They run Like a Hell dog Is chasing them

Mida looked satisfied before Staring at the Child once again

There's no awe or anything in his eyes, Just... Blank..

Ignoring the flip her stomach made   when the child stared at her, and only her, she smiled and Spoke Like an onee-chan would do

"Are you alright There young man?"

He nodded and stared at the black plushie once again, 'well that's a good start'

"What's your name? Mines Mida Rana" she urge as she sat beside him

"Mommy said I'm not Supposed to stranger"

Yandere Sim One-shot (Ayano x various ) Where stories live. Discover now