Dream; (FunGirl X Ayano)

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Ayano's Pov
I went to bed early Today, Why? Because i know that Senpai's Childhood friend is planning on Confessing to him tomorrow

And i'm still Planning about how to get rid of her without hurting senpai's feeling

It would totally break my heart if i ever see him with that expression

I asked info-chan About soME Fuckbois Interested in her last Monday , Tough luck there isn't one who's not interested in her other than her body

Sighing i closed my eyes and hope i dream about senpai And me On a Picnic


'this feels weird' I thought as i look around the Grey color On every corner, EVERY part of akademi high

Plus i can't see even one Student walking in the area

'Must be a dream' i shrug and Entered the School gates

I Heard Sobbing in a Corner and Turn to said direction

The Girl blend to the Scenery quite well, She was in a sitting position, hugging Of both her Knees, And seem to be trying her best not to cry

I Just wanted to wake up now, This is getting creepy, like oka stalking The basu sissy Creepy.

Yet, I moved towards her, stopping a feet away from her

"Are you alright miss?"

My eyes met a complete black eyes with black Mucus mucus dripping Right of her face, i seemed not to care less, i saw more gruesome things than this

"You're not supposed to see me like this!" She Screamed still her voice is Hoarse

"Huh? What do you mean? " I'm really confused right now

"I'm Fungirl! I'm supposed to have fun and chase Wondering People in my teritory and Give them nightmares! "

"Then why aren't you chasing me?" I couldn't help but ask

"This... place is just so lonely....i don't have anyone to talk to, they just run right after they see me... " she mumbled and i heard it Clearly

"Well... i could stay for a while and chat whatever you want to"

It couldn't be good if i'm in her bad side, she could torment my dream every chance she get and I can't dream about senpai anymore

She just nodded and demand me to sit Beside her

We talk about torment and how she can play inside a person's Mind and How she got Herself into this voiD of Dreams, I felt a strange sympathy towards her

"Hey" She nudge my side i looked at her with questioning gaze

She pointed her finger towards a familiar orange haired girl

"Wanna chase that one?"

We both wore a sporting smirk on out faces


i could torment osana's dream tonight and Make her oversleep so she can't Confess to senpai tomorrow!


"Well that was fun," i exclaimed looking at the now Shivering Osana najimi

"What do you think i stand for?" Fungirl Mock play-fully nudging my Shoulder

I laugh at her Taunt, Forgetting osana on the floor

I noticed that my Body seem to be Blurring, Fungirl noticed it too and her wide grin Drop a little

"Oh, Your walking up"

I nodded, disappointed at what's happening

"He-hey, i was wondering if you wanted To meet Again here...for future fun.. " She was scratching her chin looking at the other direction a noticeable blush on her cheeks

i smiled "that would be Fun"


Hii! So um, how is it?
I know it's not really Yuri-ish, just some sort of Ayano interacting with fungirl

Hey im just a Kid alright? Im still developing so yeahh.

Any Suggestions can be Send in the Second Page of this Book

So See ya!

Yandere Sim One-shot (Ayano x various ) Where stories live. Discover now