Chapter 25

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I hummed lightly as I drove, getting lost in my own thoughts. I pulled up at a red light, glancing at my green-eyed beauty. His eyes didn't even widen when I caught him staring, he didn't look down, he didn't even blush. His stare matched mine in intensity, and I bit my lip at his beauty.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" He raised an eyebrow, and I almost rolled my eyes at myself for feeling heat spread throughout my body.

"Quite frankly, I don't know what to call it." I stated, branching off the main road. The place was dark, filled with trees, just dimly lit by the light from the moon and stars.

"You brought me to kill me," Harry confirmed his thoughts,"My first date is my last date." He muttered quietly.

"No duh," I rolled my eyes again, if I continued at this rate, I'd be suffering from a grade A migraine. I sighed, bringing the car to a stop. The place was quiet, except for the sounds of our car doors being shut.

The fallen leaves crunched beneath my feet, and I walked over to Harry who only seemed confused as to why we were here, confused but intrigued. He had a slight frown on his face, and at the same time, the edges of his lips curved upward.

He was unbelievably cute.

I took his delicate hand in mine, the smoothness of his palm contrast to the pads of his fingers. Harry bit his lip and look down at our hands enclosed within each other, letting out a soft sigh.

I walked down the familiar path and pushed the door open, letting Harry walk in before I did. Lights shone from the corners of the small field, and Harry's brows furrowed, probably at the sound of water hitting ground.

His eyes looked up to see if there was rain, and when he saw nothing but the black of the sky with speckles of gold, he turned to me, confusion etched all over his face.

"Come on," I whispered with my heart beating wildly in my chest. I pushed the second wooden door open, leading Harry in. We walked a bit further, and then I turned to Harry, taking in his reaction.

His eyes were wide in awe, and they shone brighter than I'd ever seen. His mouth fell open, and shut, and then open again. The sight made me chuckle softly.

"Wow," He whispered.

I didn't know what this place was when I first saw it, but I claimed it as my own and gave it a name. The name being; my place.

I brought Harry to my place.

"What is this place?" Harry whispered, turning to face me.

I smiled,"This is my place Harry." I licked my lips lightly,"Our place."

He grinned,"How'd you f-find it?"

I chuckled softly,"Got lost around 16 and ended up here. It was only a forest with a waterfall by then. But then I took it up as my own, built those wooden gates myself." I stated,"I was determined to make it mine."

Harry smiled,"Look there." I whispered, pointing to the right. Harry's eyes followed my finger, and his eyes filled with interest at the sight of the treehouse.

"Built that too?"

"From scratch. Requires lots of skill and whatnot." I boasted.

"Way to hoot your horn," He rolled his eyes, and I chuckled. "It's so beautiful." He whispered, staring at the waterfall in awe.

"Yeah, you are." I finished, taking a step towards him when he turned to me. Instinctively, he stepped back. But when I took another step towards him, he stayed still.

"So, so beautiful." My lips brushed against his, and Harry tensed, while blood rushed everywhere in me,"I can't take it."

Harry staggered backwards, succeeding in putting a good amount of space between us. I smiled. Take it slow for the poor boy, Ami.

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