Chapter 6

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"Delirious, You're In North Carolina at the moment.. Right?"

Fuck, Did Berenice find out It was me In the wheelchair..?

I wait a few minutes and finally text back a simple, yes, to Nogla.

Well, It wasn't only to Nogla. The guys have made a group chat and added me in. It felt pretty weird that out of all the people, Nogla was the one who asked.

The ones included on it were people we usually talk to and play games with. I only open it up when they ask me to play with them.

"Hey, Toonz. I think they're onto us." I yell lazily at Luke.

I stay quiet and can hear Luke's feet hit the floor.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I look over and see Luke in the door way, "Why in the world are you yelling? You're gonna scare poor old Princes--"

He stops himself and begins looking around in my room. I stare at him confused but I wait patiently for him to say anything to me.

Ah, He's looking for her.

"Luke, Try looking for her under the sofa. That's usually her favorite spot. If not, she's probably out in the backyard, She has a doggy door and she goes out there sometimes."

He gives me a quick nod and turns around to go look for her.

If only I payed attention to the road then I could've helped look too. But.. I have this wheelchair to get used to for a month or two.

I push the wheels and try to get myself out of my room. When I successfully do so, I pass by the spare room and try to bend down and see If she's hiding somewhere where Luke didn't see.

I began whistling and as soon as I do so Princess comes running to my side.

Well, that was easy.

"Luke, You didn't check the spare room did you?"

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Thank fuck. She almost gave me a heart attack." I stare at him while he gives a sigh of relief. I begin smiling when I realize that he grew a bond with Princess.

Not that long ago, Luke didn't really like Princess. Especially because she was a Pitbull. But he came around and sooner or later to learn to love her.

"Have you told the guys about your accident..? I mean, They have a right to know whether or not you're doing okay." Luke says while frowning. I sigh in distress and give a glance to my phone.

I reach over and see all the messages they thought I wouldn't see.

Not a surprise. I mean, After all I barely say anything in this group chat. Luke has been bothering me to check the messages but I sometimes don't listen.

(A/n. Imma switch it up. This is the conversation of the group chat so when they text it's going to be underlined and in bold! When it's in italics it's sometimes Jonathan's head! Or his thoughts in other words. In bold and italics is going to be Author Notes! Also, I'm going to add in their names and nickname. I'm not adding the names for the rest of the story but only for now so you guys can get the idea who is who.)

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