Introducing a NEW Creepypasta member!

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Me: Hello every one! Today I'll be introducing a new creepypasta member by the name of Scarlet Darkheart!Here is some info about her!

NAME: Scarlet Darkheart

AGE: 13

WEPON: Mechete *not the guy the knife*

HAIR COLOR: Black and Green


CLOTHES: Green hoodie, jeans, and green converse

OTHER INFO: Clumsy *like me*

If you want to talk to Scarlet Darkheart just find her on Wattpad her user name is darklywolf.


I did not make this person up she doesn't have a story 'cause she is not a real creepypasta she is just a fan on Wattpad who asked to be a creepypasta. Me and Slender man agreed she was good enough to be a creepypasta.

 Anyways be sure to check out her storys at darklywolf on Wattpad!

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