Chapter 1: Love Is In The Air

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It was a fine sunny day.. Well it is summer time here in Oklahoma, which is my favourite holiday. I was sitting on a platform on the sidewalk in my neighbourhood while eating a cherry flavoured popsicle, chilling all by myself. I was in my turqoise shorts and pink flip flops.

I saw Greyson coming this way. He was wearing 'The Beatles' t-shirt together with his bullet necklace.

"Hey babe. Mind sharing that delicious looking popsicle with your boy here?", he said.

"Hey Greyson.. and no, this" pointing him my popsicle, "is mine." I replied, and continues to eat. 

He shrugged and said, "Ah come on, woman. Just a little nibble. It's so hot here. I think it's almost 100 degrees. I'm parched."

I gave in. He was too cute and he was my boyfriend, anyway. I love him so much. He is a sweet boy. Thought we don't seem like the greatest nor the best couple in town, because we act like best friends but deep inside our hearts, we love each other truly. People just don't see it. 

I stared at him in an awe as he continued to bite into my popsicle. He is so cute when he doesn't notice me staring at him. His face turns pink every time he is under the sun. That what makes him cute, I think. It's hard for him to get himself tanned. He keeps eating my popsicle.. Wait, THAT IS MY POPSICLE!

I sat closer to him and went in front of his face, looking straight into his eye, "In case you forget, that is MY popsicle that you are enjoying." I said with one of my eyebrows raised.

Greyson looked at me, also raising one of his eyebrows up and said, "Oh, I know." Then he swallowed the whole thing. He gave me a smirk. Oh that boy..He is so going to get it. I had my I-can't-believe-you-just-did-that face on.

He ran and laughed. He was smart to run. I got up and chased that boy around the neighbourhood. People were looking at us smiling, two kids having a good time. As I was running up to him, he stopped suddenly and turned around at me. What was he thinking? I didn't get a chance to slow down so I hit him and fell on top of him. We fell on the grass on someone's yard. Thank God the owners were not home. Otherwise we will get chased away.

I was on top of him, struggling to get up. He was laughing with his eyes closed. I have to admit that he is a good looking boy. 

"Oh stop laughing already. What were you thinking stopping all of  a sudden like that?", I asked.

"Babe.. Do you know just how adorable you look when you are mad? And you know you like what you see." he didn't answer my question and winked at me. I blushed. Well yeah. I do like what I see. I didn't say it, but he knows. He is like a physcic. A mind reader.

"Anyway, thanks for breaking my fall, big man!" I rolled over and stood up. I gave my hand to him to help him get up. His sweaty hands grabbed mine and I pulled him up. Boy, he is heavy!

Then out of nowhere, Ashley had to come. She just had to. I didn't even know where she came from. Was she watching us the entire time? Maybe.. She can be such a stalker sometimes. Ashley was Greyson's ex girlfriend from two years ago. She broke his heart. She acts like she still loves Greyson because he is hot now. She only likes him for his face. His cute, handsome and irresistable face.

Let me tell you more about Ashley. She didn't last long with Greyson. They were only together for a couple of months until she cheated on him. Yeah, she did. She cheated on him with some jerk named Conor from the football team. She only dates guys for publicity and to make other girls jealous of her. To show them that she can get anyone she wants. She treated Greyson like a puppy back then. She took advanted of him because he liked her. Yeah he was kind of naïve before. 

She's popular in school. She is known as the heartbreaker. I hate what she did to Greyson. Breaking an innocent boy's heart and get away with it? I don't think so. Broken hearts they never fade away. Broken hearts stay and they grow back, but they grow back differently.

"I don't know why you are waste your time on that when you could have me as your girlfriend again, Greyson my darling" said Ashley while looking at me like I am something to be disgusted at.

"Fyi, I am a person. And don't call him darling! Have you forgotten, you cheated on him. It's over. He moved on and so should you. Don't go around pleading for other girls' boyfriend. What are you? Desperate?" I said and gave her a bitchy smirk. She doesn't intimidate me. Nuh-uh.

You should see her face after I called her desperate. It was priceless. She didn't think something like that would come out of my mouth. Then, she came up to me. I backed up a little because she was taller. She stared at me in the eyes, right through my soul. Her stare was sharp, like a dagger.

"Listen, punk! - "

"Ashley, why don't you go somewhere else and leave us alone?" Greyson said cutting her off.

"B-b-but babe, I..."

"Fine. If you don't wanna leave, we will. Come on Ally." Greyson grabbed my hand and we went to a near playground. I can see Ashley's face was bright red when Greyson took me away from her. Haha in her face. She should acknowlege that Greyson has a girlfriend already and that's me.

There was a swing in the sand at the playground. I sat on the seat and swang back and forth a little. Greyson sat on the seat next to mine. He didn't swing though. Instead he just sat there and looked in the sand. I can tell that he was lost in thoughts. I wondered what he was thinking. He is not thinking about Ashley, is he?

"Grey.. What are you thinking?" I just said what is on my mind. He smiled at me and said, "Nothing"

Nothing? I know he was thinking of something but I didn't bother to ask.

"I can't believe her. I mean, does she thinks she is the queen or something? I want to put her vanity in a box and throw in the middle of the sea." I said. Greyson chuckled. His cheeks was pink. His hair was slightly messy. Which I like.

The sun is about to set. I guess time flies when you are having fun. Well, not exactly fun. Greyson walked me home. My house wasn't that far from the playground. Just 5 minutes walking distance. We walked together, hand in hand. Our hands were a bit sweaty because of the humid weather but neither of us said anything about it nor let go of each other's hands. We could see our shadows getting longer. 

"Our shadows are so long and thin I wonder if they come out off of the ground and become real human. Then they wandered around town. Creepy." Greyson said. I laughed. 

"You are full of imagination." he chuckled.

We reached my porch after 10 minutes of walking. I leaned in to give him and peck on the cheek but he pulled my hand and gave me a little kiss on the lips. I smiled. I can see his brown eyes shining clearly because the sun was in his face.

"Thanks for sending me home, baby" I smiled. 

"Well thanks for letting me send you home, babe" he chuckled. I love his genuine smile. He then walked away slowly. He kept looking back at me through his shoulders. I counted every steps that he took. 


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