The question of Bangles?

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What if the poolside conversation turned out in a different way than it happened.

Arnav is standing by the poolside. Trying to avoid Khushi's questions. She is trying to make him confess the reason behind this gift. But our Arnav yet again masks his emotions. Being vulnerable doesnt suit him. And he is not sure about Khushi's feelings yet. So as expected he ignores her questions.

And this is when our Jalebi express walks in. In full speed. She is desperate for answers. And this time he will have to accept the truth. How dare he avoid her questions.

Khushi: Thats it Arnavji. Thats it. You can no longer avoid my questions. Are you deaf, or blind? Do you understand this language or not? Since the prayer (havan) you have been ignoring me. Now I wont let you leave without answering to me. Do you understand Mr. Raizada? I am done...I am so done with this...."

Arnav: Neither I am blind nor I am deaf. And I understand you perfectly Khushi Kumari Gupta. If you have even a little brain then this is me purposely ignoring you. Alright. And what did you say? You wont let me leave without getting answers huh. Fine ask away. What is bothering you?

Khushi: I might not have brains but I have a heart, unlike you. So if you are done pulling my leg then answer my questions. Did you or did you not buy me these bangles?

Arnav: Yes. I did. I gifted you these bangles.

Khushi: You did. But why...why did you gift me these bangles?

This question made Arnav silent. He knew the answer to this question. But he could not reveal the truth about his feelings to her. He never accepted rejection. And running away from his emotions was the only way he knew. Ignoring her question meant hiding his feelings for her and thats what he did.

Arnav: I dont feel that it is important for me to answer every question of yours.

He was about to walk away when Jalebi bai hit a nerve.

Khushi: Anyway I am about to throw them away. They are not that good. Wrong sized totally. They are not fit for my wrist.

Arnav: They are of perfect size. No chance of error. They are a perfect fit. And if they are that bad why dont you throw them away huh? He was getting angrier with every passing second.

Khushi: I never said I disliked them. I just want to know the reason why you gifted me these. If you have not noticed I am still wearing them.

Both shared an eyelock and then felt shy. They were looking at the floor with keen interest now.

But suddenly Khushi became angery. She wanted to know the truth. But ASR was trying change the subject. She wont let this ago. She was done with these weird feelings and restlessness. This never happened to her before. And she was one of those who preferred sorting things out asap.

With full determination Khushi Kumari Gupta walked ahead and stood right in front of  our mighty ASR. Holding his collar fuming with anger she full on blasted Arnav with her inner feelings. Seeking answers became too important to her.

Arnav: What the....

Khushi: Keep your What the's to yourself alright Mr. Raizada. From day one you have been accusing me non stop. For things that I dont understand at all. But I took it in stride. But this I cannot take. You were fine before. You were Angry Singh Raizada. I had no worries. But out of nowhere started being weird. Why? Why did you show me your good side. You made me an acidity patient all of a Dhak Dhak problem started because of you! Yes my dhak heartbeat escalates whenever you are nearby. I see your face in every person, that auto driver, your security guard and even HPji. I made a jalebi one day in the shape of your name...your name!!! You are everywhere. Your smirk. The way you smile. They want you act all naughty, making me flustered. Kissing me!!! Making me blush. What is next?!?! it not enough that I have fallen in love with you. Now you want me to have a heartattack with your proximity. What more do you want...tell me...answer my..."

Uh oh. Khushi knew she had done something totally embarassing unintentionally. In her eagerness to get her answers she confessed all her feelings to Arnavji. She had plans to teach him a lesson but she had put herself in a greater mess now. With hands on her mouth, looking like a red tomato she tried to run away as fast as she could.

But alas! She had confessed her true feelings for Arnav in a moment of weakness. And Arnav Singh Raizada felt immense pleasure knowing how he affected his Khushi. Gone was his vulnerable side. The need to never let her go away came in full speed. His possessive side came out to play. So Khushi Kumari Gupta loves me. As soon as he saw her slipping away form him in embarrassment he ran in double speed.

He caught her hands and locked her to himself. Her back against his chest.His hold was tight. He criss crossed her fingers with his and held one arm to her waist and the other along her neck. On the other hand Khushi's Dhak Dhak escalated to above normal. She felt his stubble grazing near her right ear and neck. She shivered against him.

Arnav: Khushi Kumari Gupta...hmmm. You came hear to seek answers right. But do you know what you just did? You gave me all my answers. I did not have a heart. But you gave me one by falling in love with me. You know me very well Khushi. How obsessive and posessive I am for me near and dear ones. Now you have unknowingly fallen for the stalker of your heart Khushi. I love you too Khushi. But remember one thing now that I have got you...I
will never let you go. And you have not even witnessed the naughty ASR yet.

His words were driving her crazy. Oh Devi Maiyya help me. My heart is flying. He loves me too. But to this extent. His intensity is scary. He wont let me go ever....oh my goodness. She tried to leave but his hold was too strong.

Khushi: Let me go...let me go...I should leave...someone might come here. Everyone must have noticed that I am not with them...I...I...

Arnav: Shhhh....not a word about leaving Khushi. You are not leaving until I say so.

He turned her around. Only to see her eyes shut tightly. He smiled his naughty smile and cornered her against the poolside wall. She felt her back againt the wall and opened her eyes, wide with disbelief. While Arnav eyes spoke all about his intentions.

Khushi: Leave me, I have to go home..

Arnav: You cant leave me Khushi, that was an option for you earlier. But not now. You are mine now. And I am waiting for more of your confessions. Tell me more about this Dhak Dhak of yours. Are you still feeling it?

Khushi: I are too close...I...

He touched his forehead to hers. Nose touching her naughtily. Khushi felt like a wet rat trying to look for shelter in a storm right now.

Arnav: If you are so in love with me then why did you not say anything till now. You were waiting for Christmas!!! Do you know how restless I felt watching you talk to that bloody NK? Dont test my patience again KKG. You have completed your share of laughs and chats with your Nanheji...understood. Now I wont allow any of it.

Khushi: But he is just a friend....I like talking to him...

The beast in Arnav was wide awake now. He came to the only conclusion he could think of. Branding her as mine.
He kissed her where her neck met her shoulder to a point that it became red and Khushi almost winced in pain and pleasure.

Arnav: If he even comes a little close to you from tomorrow onwards then this is whats gonna happen everytime I see you with him. Try to get closer to him and this wont be the only place where I will mark you.

Looking at her bewildered expressions he did the only thing that was running in his mind from the day he met her the first time, when she had fallen in his arms. He kissed those beautiful lips. And felt powerful yet again after gaining Khushi's love.

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