Mine...to hold and touch!

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Nothing used to make sense once...but today everything has a new meaning. These were the thoughts running in Khushi Kumari Guptas simple mind. Arnavji accepted her love. He too confessed his feelings. Those intense eyes were now expressing some unknown promises. His gift. The bangles. Changed the story of her life altogether.

She continuously stared at those colored glass ornaments. She bared her soul to him in frustration...while he captured her with those deep baby brown eyes. His arms imprisoned her. His maddening kisses...ufffff. Khushi blushed thinking about all those moments.
She looked around only to realize where she was. Yup the entire Gupta family was invited to stay over night after the hawan in Shantivan. Khushi could not sleep at all. Just thinking that her Laad Governer is in the same house gave her goosbumps.

Devi Maiyya I feel so restless. I need to drink some tea. Yeah that will do. With these thoughts Khushi Kumari Gupta went to the kitchen. However... she failed to realize the fact that ASR was waiting for this needed opportunity. He was eyeing the guest room like a hawk. And as soon as he heard her anklets...Arnav Singh Raizadas feet started following that sound.

At 11.30am in the RMs Kitchen...


After drinking some water and calming herself down Khushi expected a goodnight sleep with her pulse undercontrol. However, the stalker of her heart had other plans. Arnav had followed Khushi like a Honeybee follows beautiful flowers for the sweetest  of nectars.

Arnav: Oh Really ? Where else should I be then tell me please?

He uttered each word softly and walked towards her taking slow steps. Khushis eyes followed the movement. And then started their well synchronized forward and backward dance.

Khushi: Listen Arnavji its pretty late...you should go back to your room and sleep. I am feeling sleepy as well. I just came to drink some water. Uhh ok. Goodnight.

She tried to side step and leave the kitchen. Her loud heartbeats were killing her at the moment. Hey Devi Maiyya...I cannot take it anymore. Oh my his eyes will kill me. But  dodging a determined ASR is not so easy as we all know....Right? A strong and firm hold on her wrist halted her attempts to escape the clutches of Arnav.

Arnav: when will you understand a simple fact...you cannot go away from me. Even if you physically create a distance between us your Dhak-dhak signals you about my proximity. So why even try...huh.

He winked playfully. A wide eyed and red Khushi stared into Arnavs intense brown orbs. And then with a twist and turn Khushi found herself in his arms. The man who once found every reason to stay away from her was now hell bend on closing every minute distance between them. What was happening Devi Maiyya?

Khushi: I..you...Arnavji...you...cannot KISS ME again like before. I go all crazy when you touch me. And Buaji, Amma, Babuji and Jeeji all are staying in the room closeby. You are holding me so close to youself. I will seriously faint  if you will act like that!! What if they see us together LIKE THIS?? Buaji will send me Lucknow from the first morning train. You cannot..MMMMHHHH!!!

Before Khushi could complete her sentence...she found herself being kissed passionately by a possessive Arnav Singh Raizada...
ASR was liking seeing KKG all flustered by their physical contact but he lost it when she mentioned...



After a long smooch...Arnav pecked her lips twice. Leaning his forehead on hers he said roughly...

Arnav: DO NOT utter those words ever again Khushi Kumari Gupta!!!! You are mine to hold to love and to kiss. My beloved. And as far as leaving Delhi is concerned. If its up to me you cannot even leave this house. Do not underestimate my feelings for you. Now forget this nonsense talk. Hmmm. You made me very happy Khushi. Repeat those 3 words again.

She tried to squirm in his arms in fear of Buaji or Jeeji or Amma waking up and ending up in the kitchen loke her. But Her Arnavji was in no mood of letng her go. Hey Devi Maiyya he wants me to confess my feelings again. I will have to say it quickly orelse someone will defnitely catch us. However watching his face...looking at her with so much desire she could not control her feelings.

Khushi: Arnavji...I....I Love You. I really love you a lot. More than my DM, my Jalebis and my bers. And I have been in love with you since the day I hugged you in the hospital. You became my everything when you turned up to be my only support during those dark days. I loved you when you saved me from those goons. When you stood like a protective shield in front of me. I loved you when you gifted me these beautiful bangles. Marking me as yours.

For a moment Arnav stood still trying to absorb all the love that came with her words. And then he hugged her. He could not believe he found love. But he wanted it all now. Even if being ASR he did not deserve Khushi's love, still he wanted it all. Only for him.

Arnav: I love you too Khushi Kumari Gupta. Since the day you fell in my arms in Sheesh Mahal. When I saw you in that sinful red saree. Even when you helped my sister with her brace. When you made me smile with your crazy antics. When you branded my initials on your henna filled hands.

Hearing Arnavs words Khushi felt being on cloud nine. A man of few words...her Arnavji. He was confessing his innermost feelings today. For the first time she felt beautiful. Arnavjis love and compliments felt like sugar coated Jalebis right now. Both were happy being in their cocoon of love when a voice shattered the ongoing romance. And Arnav boiled with Anger!!!!

NK:  Nannav my brother...where are you? Where is this guy? Maybe he is in the kitchen. Lets go and check. Nannav...Nannav...

What The Hell!!!

Arnav felt lava boiling in his head. I am finally getting the chance to be with my girl and this good for nothing thorn in my life is still hell bend on creating problems for me. No ways. I wont let him see us together.

Khushi: Arnavji I think Nanheji is coming here. I should leave now. Orelse...

Arnav: You are not going anywhere Khushi. Come with me. No one will see us. I can assure you.

NK: Nannav. Are you here? Hello?Nannav? Maybe he is on the terrace. Yup definitely. He has to be there.

What Nk failed to realize was the fact that both Arnav and Khushi were standing behind the fridge. Seeing the darkness in the kitchen NK assumed that no one was here and left the couple to themselves.
Khushi sighed. Thank you DM. For saving us.

Khushi: Its good he did not see us together. Otherwise by tomorrow everyone would have known that we are together. Pheww. I will have to give 1 kilo of Jalebis to Devi Maiyya tomorrow itself.

Arnav: Khushi all that is fine. But lets make one thing very clear....you will be getting married soon to me. Yes me. So stay away from your so called Nanheji. I will talk to Di and Nani....as it is they are planning to get you settled with that NK. Damn it. I hate it when he keeps dragging you away from me. Dont talk to him from now on. Got it.

Khushi: Hawwww. You did not even propose. How can you declare our marriage like that? Its better to marry Nanheji. Atleast he will have the courtesy to propose and ask my hand first. I am leaving now. Goodnight. Huhh.

Khushi Kumari Gupta without realizing her error started for her room. While on the other side Arnav felt like someone poured boiling water on him.

She will Marry NK...


Khushi and NK...


And before Khushi could enter her room to sleep one strong arm surrounded her waist and the other lifted her legs. Like a caveman ASR dragged his girl away. And off they went to the poolside. Fighting, squirming and arguing. Because their conversation is not done yet.

Deewana tera (Arshi romance) OS SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now