Chapter 37

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We are in the auditorium with Mr Shue sitting on the piano. "All right guys, Nationals are just a few weeks away, and it's time to bear down. Now, your singing at Regionals was amazing, but your dancing.... it's booty camp time" Mr Shue tells us getting off the piano.

"Booty!" Artie yells next to Me "Five, Six, Seven, Eight.... Push yourselves guys. Vocal adrenaline takes no prisoners" Mr Shue says and Finn moves his arm hitting Rachel right in the face.

I go over to her and get my water bottle and clean her nose, "Rachel, your nose is broken" I say touching her nose with Rachel wincing.

Mr Shue comes to Rachel "Let's get to to a doctor" Rachel nods holding her nose "Go to My dad's hospital. Say She's Emily's friend, they'll let you right in" I shout and Santana and Mike smirks to me.

Next day in Glee Club, Rachel is at the front with a bandage on her nose. "Oh my god, you're getting a nose job" I say and Rachel looks at me.

"I'm considering having a minor procedure to repair my deviated septum" Rachel says.

"So, a Nose Job" Santana says. "Look... I'm...I'm happy with the way I look, okay? And I've embraced my nose. But let's just say I wanted to have a slightly more demure nose. Like Emily or Quinn's, for example"I look at Quinn then back to Rachel.

"I would never change the appearance for vanity, but, i mean, the doctor said that it could possibly improve my talent, which would help us all for Nationals" Rachel says.

"Possibly? What about the risks? Your voice is amazing as is, Rachel" Mr Shue says and Santana interrupts Mr Shue.

"Hold up. Could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel's got a bit of a schnoz. I mean, I wouldn't know because, like Medusa, I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things that we would change about ourselves? I mean, I'm sure that Sam's been at the doctor's office and rifles through pamphlets on mouth reduction. I'll bet Artie thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyways. And I'm definitely sure that Mason and Tina's looked into getting an eye de-slanting" Santana says.

"That's extraordinarily racist" Tina and Mason says at the same time, "I'm keeping it real" Santana says.

" sorry Santana, I'm a beautiful person. I'm in love with myself, and I would never change a thing" Tina says. Mason looks at her.

"Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina? Self-hating Asian" Mason says.

"Not many Asian sex symbols, Mason. I'm just trying to be in fashion and mirror what i see in the magazines " Tina says looking at Mason, "My dancing kind of bothers me. Uh, I almost Killed Rachel, but I like the way I look" Finn says.

"Oh please. You have weird, puffy pyramid nipples. The look like they're filled with custard, or you could dust them with powered sugar and they could pass them for some sort of desert" I say to Finn.

"Maybe Rachel is fine having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it" Santana says.

"Whoa guys. I'm really shocked at what I'm hearing here. It goes against everything the glee club stands for. I'm telling you, the thing you would most like to change about yourself is the most interesting part of you" Mr Shue says.

Rachel walks to her seat and I put my hands on her shoulders and smile sadly at her.

I'm at my locker with Mike and I see Santana down the corridor drawing on Finn's and Quinn's prom queen and king campaign.

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