2. Yellow.

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"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do, they were all yellow.

I came along,  wrote a song for you, and all the things you do, and it was called 'Yellow.'

So then I took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, and it was all yellow."


It was the hardest day of his life, yet he was still smiling. He was smiling for the man and the happy couple walking down the aisle. All he really wanted was to punch the bride and kiss the groom and run off with him. To make his fairytale have a happy ending, because he deserved it.

On the other hand, he wears a suit and a fake smile. Aleks' cheeks ache from smiling so often, it was becoming a worn-down routine, to act happy and try to move on like Eddie told him to do. So he lifts glasses of champagne, to toast Mr. and Mrs. Cardona. 

This was the worst day of his life.


It's almost three years later and Aleks was spiraling back into a world of depression. He was all overused smiles to the point to where his jaw was vaguely sore. His world was tumbling down all around him and he, as well as the rest of the Creatures and Kevin, were sitting along a wall, gathered within the hospital in downtown Denver. 

Tonight would be the night that Eddie's first child was born and Aleks would pretend to be happy for them as much as everyone else is. The others were fighting over who would be this kid's favorite uncle, disregarding the blood-relations, would be. 

No one notices or takes second thought to when Aleks slips away and disappears for an hour to down as many drinks as possible. He didn't want to be here for the arrival.

It was the only way that he knew how to kill the pain.

A week after he was born, Aleks was crowned as Godfather by a woman whom he despised and the man that he loved for some kid whom he barely knew. Apparently, the others would kill for the title. It was supposedly an honor, but Aleks didn't want to be Godfather for Eddie's child, and the kid resembled her more than his father, which made it worse.


Aleks was developing into a heavy drinker. On Christmas of 2017, he had already beaten his previous record of becoming half-assed drunk before noon, fallen completely hammered and too far out of this state of mind to care for the current date.

The world was growing stiff and blurry and black spots linger within his vision. Alarming memories that he would much rather repress consumed him. Thoughts of everything that he used to love, the nights that he and Eddie would share. He still lived in the same apartment and slept in the same bed, which had Eddie's scent still faintly pressed somewhere in its sheets.

He stumbled throughout his house and collapsed on the bathroom's tile floor.

He has never gotten over the older man. Aleks is sometimes afraid of himself, and the lengths he may go to in order to win his Eddie back. Drunken nights lead to kissing and kissing leads to other things that they had to surpass.

He was afraid that he may not stop himself before he stepped further than what he was allowed to. Though, after avoiding Eddie, he wasn't so sure that he would want him to say anything, so Aleks decides that not mentioning it was best thing to do.


Valentine's Day, the following year. Aleks was asked to babysit Eddie's child, and he accepted, mainly because that's how he was raised and that's just who he was.

He was the babysitter.

Not the boyfriend, not the husband, and not the father.

He's the one who all the other guys ask to watch their kids while they go out on romantic date nights and spend time with their wives, or girlfriends, given the situation. Aleks was alone; he had no one, unlike the others in the group.

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