chapter 2

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Another Foolish Chapter.. Enjoy.


  I walked to my third period class and I was a tad late. There was only one seat left and it was next to that gay guy Eric.. Maybe I'll go for friends...

 "Hey Eric! Can I sit with you at lunch?!" I smiled at him. " I don't wanna sit alone!"

"Sure sure." He stuttered.

  After that we chatted the rest of the period.. looks like I've found myself a new bestie.

  The lunch bell rang and Eric and I walked to the lunch room. Soon as we entered, everything fell silent and all eyes were on us. I quickly made my way to a near by table and sat down.

"Why are they staring at us?" I whispered.

Eric chuckled." They are only staring at you.?


"They must have seen you with the twins..."

"Whats up with the twins?"

"Wellllll, they have, hmmm.. lets say" he paused" A reputation.." his voice trailed off.

"You mean their like players?" I asked, unsure of whether or not I wanted to hear the answer.

" Basically" Eric answered looking uncomfortable. He headed towards what I assumed was his usual table. I noticed there was already a Boy sitting there, pretty cute too.

"Umm I hope you dont mind sitting with my boyfriend." Eric said, interupting my train of thought. The boy came up to us and kissed Eric. 

"Jamie, does that annoy you? Do you mind?" Eric looked genuinly concerned. 

"Eric no offense, but it really does bother me." He never even flinched.

"Okay. If you want you can sit between us." Awww Eric! He's such a sweetie.

"I'll sit with you but I won't come between you and your beau." I Winked at him and went around the table to sit across from them. They'd promised not to be lovey dovey so I'll most definatly sit with them.

We talked and laughed. I made a good decision sitting with them. A hand came down on me and I jumped.

"Woah ." Brent said. " Bit jumpy are we." He chuckled.

I was relieved it was only Brent. Back in Mississippi if someone put a hand on you they would beat you up.

"I didn't know who you were" I stated.

He sat down and put his arm around me. Everyone was now staring at us. Wow deffinetly a player, he didn;t know me and I didnt know him. But, I was going to complain that he had his arm around me. He was way too cute for me to be so rude as to push him away.

"I hope you don't mind the attention." Brent whispered in my ear.

"Not at all." I replied snuggling closer to him.

I noticed Eric eyeing him uncomfortably. Whats with him.?

"Eric, wasup?" I asked truely concerned.

"Lets go talk for a sec Jamie.." He said uneasily.

Once we were into the hallway, he pulled me into an open classroom.

"Jamie, don't fall for him please!" He almost begged. "you don't want to know what he's done!" He looked panicky.

"Alright Eric.. What'd he do?" He was dieing to tell me, I knew it.

"Alright I'll tell you.."

When he finished I was astonished. How could he be so cruel. Eric told me that Brent "did" some girl and she wanted a relationship but Brent always said no. She kept asking him and he got so made he screamed at her and tolde rher no one cared about her and told her to go kill herself. Brent obviously didn't think she would, but she did. How could I befriend such an animal?


Well be prepared for some throwings offs, becuase that was our goal, to throw each other off. Have fun.

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