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This is not really going to be going by the series, well it is but it isn't, get my drift. If you don't 50% of this story will go by the series while the other 50% will be going by imagination... I guess you can call it. This is my first one-shot I hope you all enjoy it! Also, say thanks to Aarmau_forlife for having me make this chapter/book! Oh and before I forget this will also be a New Year's type of chapter. I will have these A/N's before the chapters and some feel free to read while others meh, I don't really read these either BYE!


"Uhh, when did becoming a lord for Phoniex Drop become so hard!" I yelled in frustration. "I wish there would be someone there to actually listen to me complain and not judge me. I am human too you know!" I continue yelling, "Oh, who am I kidding nobody won't judge me because I am the 'powerful' lord of Phoniex Drop... I should just shut up now someone might hear me, but then again I am in the middle of the woods."

But Garroth could be stalking me, again, wouldn't be the first time which makes it a little creepy even though he is my guard and apparently guards are supposed to stay by their lord from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. I wonder how life would be like if I wasn't a lord in Phoniex Drop I mean I did volunteer to be the lord, well not volunteer I basically made myself lord like there was no tomorrow. I don't understand how all of this would—

I was cut short from my thoughts when I heard a very creepy laugh, "Hey pretty lady just give me all of your valuables and we'll be on our way."

"We I only see you here." I replied with, "I'm not really feeling the mood of dealing with thieves today." I continued, it was true I wasn't in the mood.

(Keep in mind this is before she got Irene's relic.)

"Oh she is a smart on well come out here lads." Then one by one thieves came out of their binding spots there was about 15 thieves 8 of them holding bows and arrows aimed towards me the rest had either a sword or dagger.

"Okay first off are you Irish because many of the people I've met didn't say the word lad. Second you better be prepared for what's about to come because I am not handing anything over to the likes of you."

"Alright your funeral we are getting our treasures either way." The lead thief said.

"Over my dead body!" I said seriously.

Right then the archer's try to shoot me but I dodged each arrow with ease. They were all terrible shots, then I went to each person and knocked them out with the handle of my sword. All that was left was the leader and he seemed petrified which is just embarrassing, on his part of course.

"Wait WAIT! Don't kill me please I only came and bothered you was because you seemed to have jewels on you and that's all we need."

I scoffed, "You people disgust me you and your comrades will come with me to Phoenix Drop and my guards will deal with you then."

"Yes...wait YOUR GUARDS!" He looked scared for his life. "YOU ARE THE LORD OF PHOENIX DROP!"

"Yes she is and I will take it from here Lord Aphmau." Garroth said from behind me.

"Of course, time to face everybody's requests and questions." I am SO not looking forwards to that, things were going great until the holidays showed up and starting to stressing everyone even me. Garroth then pulled the leader and was soon putting cuffs on all of the thieves and taking them to the small cells we have, I almost feel bad for them, almost.

"Are you coming Lord Aphmau." Garroth said formally interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Hm, oh yeah in a little bit don't worry about me I'll be fine."

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