Zane x Abused! Reader {Part 4}

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(Just random images of Zane, it has no point to this AU)

~Lil' Mini Time Skip~

(Y/N) P.O.V.

We finally arrived at Lucinda's house, "Now let's sit down at the table and you two will ask questions one at a time and I will answer to the best of my ability."

"Why has it been five years?" Zane and I ask at the same time. We turn to each other and smile well it looked like he smiled at least, I can't really tell because he is wearing a mask.

"Well she wasn't really supposed to be gone for that long, a year at most but it seemed to have been longer. Why I don't know but I'm pretty sure (Y/N) does."

So after that, I tell them what happened, being in a void type thing all the way too showing up on the floor of the kitchen in my old home.

"But why?" Zane inquires.

"Why what?" I ask honestly confused.

"Why did that happen? Why did you have to go away." I was a little taken back that he would ask that question straight away, I knew it was going to be asked sooner or later but I was still hoping for later rather than sooner.

"I guess I have to be honest, alright..." I take a short but shaky breath, "It's going to be a bit of a long story."

"Or we can see where it starts," Lucinda tells the two of us.

"How?" I ask or more like tell her.

"Remember I have potions for everything, so we are lucky but also unlucky. We are lucky that I don't only have to use a potion we could also use a spell. The only difference is with the potion we could potentially see entirely what happened, and I don't mean just the scene I'm talking about your entire life but it is mostly summed up. Or we can choose the spell to which it starts from a little before you came to me or it will start after you came back from bringing the ingredients that I needed.

"That is a wide gap..." I mumbled which was meant for only me to hear but maybe I said it a little loud.

"Yes it is, but you have the choice."

"Alright since we might not have much time or something I'll go for."

-Surprise you get to decide I will be adding the difference at the bottom if you want to read both or just one I don't care, but you might have to skip a bit of it because there will be 'different' outcomes. None are bad I promise-

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