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ok for some od reason this chapter is Rated R i Cant Change it so 

Frost's pov

"Carter PLeaase stop please im s-sorry.'' i said crying

i droped his glass and it broke now hes yelling and h*ting me. i sliped and fell he didnt even ask if i was ok he just hit me for falling

''you know if you wasnt Such a trip you wouldnt mess up now would you'' he siad and walked away

i brung my knees up to my Face and cried. i heard the door open and close with giggling and Talking Ruben and Some Girl walked into the Kichen

"Frost this is Dani she my girlfriend.'' Ruben said

i had to idmit she was pretty she had brown hair green brown eyes and a lip and eye piercing. her lip piercing looked kinda looked like mine but silver mine was Black

''Hi im Dani im 17 nice to meet you Frost''

i shook her hand and Ruben took her to the Table and lit the bong and they started Smoking and getting high. i just sit there and silently cried no no one cares about you Frost why are you still here? that little voice said in my head with was right no one cared i was siting there crying till i felt a hand on my shoulder i look up and see Dani

''What Ever Carter did Dont let it get to you. he'll come around'' she said

she wasn'nt high either her eyes wans't blood shot yet

i gave her a resuring smile and stood up. i told them i was going for a walk. yes they let me go out but i never ran i didnt even go away. i dont know why i dont run as fast as i could but i just dont. i guess im afriad if he found me out of florida i would get big punishment. i was swinging on the swing when i saw Dani. i Waved t her and she walked over to me

''Hey.'' he said.


''um i know i just met you today and all but i kinda like you.but if you tell everyone that i like you i will Cut you'' she said Laughing i started laughing with her it was the first time i laughed in a while\

''Thank you. its been a while since ive laughed''

''hey lets go back home' she said and stood up


''yeah Carters and Ruben's'' she said

''oh you live with us now'' i said kinda happy

''yeah'' she said and we both walked back to the House i saw Carter and ruben geting high

''hey lets do this together you need to let go for a little bit'' she said and walked to the table and sitted on Ruben's Lap.

''guess you just made a friend.'' Carter said

i walked over to him adn sitted on his lap i took the b0ng and lit it and took in the smoke and breathed out

''yeah i guess i did''



Carter, The King Of Darkness (Austin Mahone Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now