I am highly depressed. Send help, immediately. I am crying right now. Tears are falling down my face as my car is gone, I had to take the bus.
It was the first day at school, someone piff was hanging around the lockers. I thought he was so beautiful, I slit my wrists for the first time, this was after throwing up. I threw up because of my appearance. The piff one laughed. Then Catherine Tate came over and shoved her burger nipple in my face. The piff one then shoved his nipple in my face, I started to lick it. Catherine Tate was upset because I licked his nipple not hers. She was not happy. I started to bite then all of a sudden a dribble of milk dripped down my cleavage. The piff one decided to rip open my shirt then bite me, now I am a vampire. Blood doesn't taste as good as I thought. The piff one was the only one that tasted good. After realising Catherine was still there, she said to me "Do I look bothered? Face. Bothered. Face. Bothered.", it went on like this for a while.
Also she added "nipple bothered!" Whilst flinging her nipples around the room for the whole school to see.
At this sight I laughed while gagging and licking the piff boy I now know as jack up and down (I also licked his feet) he smiled at me in admiration
The bell went and he left
"Jack come back-jack" I whispered while I fell to my knees catching the attention of most of the school this was the best way to make an impression on myself