Chapter 7

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Nate POV -
When I pulled up to where her phone led me, it was an abandoned house with three cars parked out front. These niggas are stupid for not dumping the vehicle. My niggas and I got out the car and half of us stood at the front and the rest crept in from the back. I climbed into the window solo. The boys had to wait outside until I gave my signal. What I saw next had me boiling on the inside ..

Miraa POV -

I wanted to die right then and there. My dad was licking all over my body and I couldn't do anything about it.

  " Daddy makes you feel good huh you little slut " he said.

All I could think was about was death. Nate was never coming for me, I guess he didn't care for me like I thought he did. I was just about to give up but I seen something come through the window. Nate smiled at me and told me to play along .

  " Yes daddy. You make me feel so good. Keep sucking and doing whatchu doing " I said effortlessly.

Only reason I made it sound real was cause I thought of Nate. Nate creeped up on my dad and pointed the glock at the back of his head. My dad turned around slapped the gun out of his hand. I grabbed the gun and pointed at Nate.

  " Daddy I got this " I said smiling creep asf.
  " Alright baby " He said smiling as well.

Nate was so confused. My dad was so happy until I turned around and pointed it at him.

  " You did this to me. You tried to rape me. You beat me. You blamed me. I'm tired of your shit. I did nothing to you ever. YOU THE REASON I CANNOT TRUST NOBODY ! ITS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT. EVERBODY WHO COMES IN MY LIFE YOU PUSH THEM AWAY, YOY RAPED MY BESTFRIEND, YOU KILLED MY EX BOYFRIEND. YOU RAN ALL MY FAMILY AWAY. BUT IM NOT GONNA LET YOU TAKE NATE I WONT FUCKING LET YOU. " I said about to squeeze the trigger.
  " Pull it then you whore " He said.

I was about to until Nate said something.

  " Beybeh no. I won't let the pigs take you if anyone gonna kill him it's gonna be me " He said lowering the gun.

He punched my dad and a big man came in and shot him. He called the rest of his crew to clean this shit up. He kissed me on my forehead.

  "You good ma?" I asked.
   "Yeah, can we go?" She asked.

I picked her up, dapped up my crew and left.

Nate POV -

I watched Miraa sleep while I was driving. I pulled up to our apartment and picked her up. I laid her down on top of me and scrolled through my instagram. I feel asleep somehow. I woke up to Miraa screaming and shifting and sweating. She was having a nightmare. I shook her but she wouldn't wake.

   " Miraa wake up ! " I yelled.

She woke up immediately and started crying in my arms. I felt bad for her. She has nobody anymore. She even thinks I'm going to leave her. I feel so bad for my beybeh man.

  " Miraa? " I said.

She didn't respond, she just looked at me.

  " I know you don't trust me but I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay. No I don't just wanna fuck or anything. I wanna be with you and make you feel normal. I wanna be your prince just like you my princess. I wanna show you what real love is. I wanna show you that all us guys ain't the same. I wanna show you that I love you and I really mean it. "

She just kissed me. I flipped over and layed her on her back. I kissed her intensely while she moaned in my mouth. I kissed all down her body to her kitty cat. It smelled like some sweet shit I couldn't even explain. I pulled her panties down and spread open her legs. I kissed her inner thighs. I stared at her cat and fell in love. It was a pretty little pink just how I liked it. I ran my tongue down her cat one time and it drove her crazy. I kissed it and sucked it while rubbing her clit with my thumb. I massaged her titties with my other hand. She was yelling and moaning and that shit was music to my ears.

   " AHH, NATE PLEASE DONT STOP " she yelled.

Shit I wasn't planning on stopping. I spelled my name out on her pussy. MY WHOLE NAME ! She tasted like fruit. I guess it's true, you are what you eat. I slurped up all her juices. When I was done I pulled her panties back up and went to brush my teeth. I came back and kissed her. She wanted more but I wasn't going to give her it all just yet.

  " I love you man " I said.
  " I think I'm falling in love with you " I whispered.

I didn't think she heard me cause all I heard were light snores. I pulled the cover and let sleep take over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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