Chapter 8: The fight scene

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Hello guys, Sarah here! So sorry haven't update for so long it's hard to think of a fight scene. I don't know if this is any good or not. So sorry! Okay enough of my apologises. The next chapter will reveal a secret skill that Maka has. So I should let you guys read now. I don't own anything. This one is so short!I'm sorry now I feel bad.


Still in Tsubaki's POV

Suddenly the known gadgets appeared. Maka and Soul took off towards their enemies, they look at each other and an understanding got through them. Ten gadgets appear all in different sizes and all in formation. There were four smaller gadgets at the front, reared by five medium size gadgets in a circular formation around a massive one.

Maka flew towards the medium size gadgets and summon chains like Blackstar around them trying to hold their place. Suddenly her staff transform into a balanced sword with green energy surrounding the blade 'Sword Form'. She went ahead and slashed at the gadgets. The gadgets cancelling barrier sparked and try to hold her blade back but was unsuccessful as they were cut diagonally. Two of them escape her chains and began to shoot lasers at her.

Meanwhile, Soul had already finish off the small ones with his gun and started to float towards the massive one. The Gigantic gadgets train it's computerise eyes on Soul. Then began the dance of Soul dodging the lasers and shooting it's own. I got it now I thought Soul is finishing off the weaker ones then going to distract the biggest one while, Maka finish of the medium ones, which is a more challenging and had the most quantity. As Maka finish of the last medium one,which try to run away from her,with a huge swing of her sword.She slowly head towards the massive one which is now hold down by Soul's chain. Suddenly a huge glowing magic circle appeared in front of Maka.

"Green light buster!" Maka shouted.

Then a huge circular orb of energy appeared, then it was fired. A blinding light erupted and then it was over. The 10 gadgets lay like scrap metal on the Academy's stairs. Oh! I hope no one was injured from that, I thought. Maka and Soul landed back on the balcony in their original clothes.

Kid's POV

Wow I thought. Maka is so powerful now she could beat even, even Blackstar. As they landed back on the balcony, they clothes instantly turn back to their uniform.

"Okay guys that was a brief demonstration of our powers. Oh! I totally forgot. Sorry guys, I have to introduce to my device. Say hello Calicao." Maka said.

The small book floated up, then it said " Hello, my name is Calicao. I was design to fight alongside my masters"

"Ah it's so cute, Can I have it ?!?"Patty

Calicao began to float backward towards Maka. It must have been scare of Patty, I thought I don't blame it, Patty can scare anyone and anything out of their wits.

"See! Patty is scary, even advance technology is terrified of her" Liz stated.

We all laughed. Then the announcement blared "Can Meister Maka, Blackstar and Kid along with their weapons please come to the Death room immediately. We have an emergency mission."

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