Chapter 9: We just came back and we still have to do missions.

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Hello guys Sarah here. This is part nine of my story. Sorry if my updates are slow, it's because I am thinking of entering a writing comp so it's a bit slow to update. Okay enjoy! I don't own anything.


Maka's POV

As soon as we heard the announcement was made. We all ran to the Death room as fast as we could. If there was an emergency mission, this early in the morning. Then it had to be a really important mission. We burst into the Death room, where Shinigami-sama was talking to my wretched and disgusting Papa. As soon as Papa saw me, he jumped towards me and hugged me.

"My little girl all grown up! Daddy misses you!" My so called Papa squealed.

Papa was touching my chest. When I realise that fact, I was about to deliver a full blown Maka chop that will knock him out till next week, but Papa was kicked and sent flying to the wall. I look up to see Soul, who deliver the swift kick. Soul pulled me up and step in front of me.

"Even though you are my meister's father, I will still kill you if you touch my meister inappropriately." Soul growled, staring daggers at my Papa, who was a crumbled heap on the floor.

I heaved a sigh as Patti laughed in the background. Soul was being over protective again. He has always been like that, ever since I've matured he has been guarding me from boys.

"Okay, guys" Shinigami-sama coughed. trying to get our attention. "We have an emergency on our hands. There are reports of a group of Kishins, about 50 of them are hunting human soul as a gang."

Gasp erupted, whilst Patti laughed.

"Look look Sis! everybody is doing the same thing at the same time" Patti squealed.

"HA HA! My followers worship me so much. They even copy me BWAHA HA! " Blackstar shouted obnoxiously.

"Maka chop" I shouted as I deliver the powerful blow to Blackstar.

"Now now, no fighting yet " Shinigami-sama said, trying to calm us down.

"But father it is abnormal for them to hunt in gangs they mostly hunt individually because if they hunt human souls together they don't know how to divide them up and end up killing each other." Kid asked, frowning.

"Yes, this is a very special case" Shinigami sama confirmed "but what is interesting about it is that they hunt during the day in crowded place and no one is able to spot them until the victim is gone"

"What?!? How on earth are they doing that without being spotted Shinigami sama" I questioned, bewildered at the fact no one had spotted the Kishins in broad daylight.

"Well they use music concerts and gathering you see ,and use the loud music to cover up the noise they make while killing the victim. They do their hunts around Miami" Shinigami sama sighed "But what's serious is that Miami will be holding one of America's biggest Music festival."

"So that means ...." Tsubaki stuttered.

"Yes, they going to use the music festival as a distraction" Shinigami-sama nodded.

"Then thousands of people are in danger!" I shouted.

"Father, you have to send us on a plane to Miami straight away!" Kid informed in an urgent tone, edged with panic.

"Huh I wish I could,but there won't be enough time the music festival will start in an hour and a half even the fastest plane can't get you there" Shinigami-sama sighed.

"Then why are you calling us Father when we don't even have enough time to go to the mission!?" Kid shouted.

"Now, now Kid, calm down the reason. I chose Maka chan's group is that Maka has a new power that she had learnt." Shinigami-sama explained.

They all turn to me expectantly. I heaved a sigh. I knew exactly what Shinigami -sama was talking about.

After a long silence I finally spoke " It's teleportation I can teleport us anywhere in the world, but I'll need it's coordination."

They gave me an awed gaze and Soul just smirked. I could tell he was up to something.

"Soul, What are you up to?" I accused.

Everybody turned back and looked at Soul.

"Nothing just thinking of a way to deal with the Kishins, Why don't you trust me I'm your partner?" Soul grinned deviously.

"You're smirking Soul, I know you well enough that I can tell whenever you are smirking like that. You are planning something evil or possibly something that will humiliate me." I stated.

Soul barked out a laugh and continued to smirk. I scowled at him.

"Now now we don't have time for that, Maka chan how long will it take you to cast?" Shinigami-sama asked,

"Give me fifteen minutes and a map please." I answered him.


So Maka's new skill is teleportation...or is it? Find out next time.

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