It is though his passion and honor thy he became Christ .
Leader of a wounded crowd and savior of his worthy people.
One day he will rise out of the crowds and save us once again .
With his teachings and remembrance of the Sabbath.
He have not only changed the world but us within.
God is Hope! God is Glory! He is the most righteousness out of all trees .. So we must ally ourselves with him for he will give us faith . And everlasting life . Not just for that, but Though him a new life can come but we must be with The Lord always ... To ally ourselves with him is not just a privilege but an gift because if he's with us who can be against us . For he is more powerful than any army . The wrath of God can not just shake all planets but the solar system . God With Us!!!
Let us Rejoice in his name Amen!
Passion of Christ
Krótkie OpowiadaniaExplaining majority of commandments and every touching subject of The Lord