Chapter 27

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Alyssa P.O.V

Todays the day me Zenobia, Lisa and Kayden get out the hospital I can't wait to lay in my bed.

When we walked in the house it was pitch black Jason and Kj wasn't behind us no more

we flicked the lights on and everyone jumped up yelling suprise Lisa ass shot her gun making everybody jump back down


Lisa: Oh well you be ok

Yellow: Never throw her a suprise party in yall life if yall do i aint gome be there why why can't you just be like Lyssa and be chill




After everyone left the guys left to go do business so it was me and the girls.

Princess and Deshaun (kj son) wanted to watch Madigascar 3 so we watched that until we fell asleep




*Next Day*

Lisa P.O.V

I was woken up by water being poured on me I tryed moving but I was tied up wtf

????: Well well look what we have here

Me: Who you

The shawdow walked closer and guess who it was... Chantel bitch ass

Me: Where tf is the kids at

Chantel: Well Princess is a little busy The babies are somewhere sleep oh and Kj precious son is busy to


Chantel: Nahhh imma have a little fun with u

She started walking closer to me when she was close she started kissing on my neck rubbing her hands on me. I kept moving as much as I could so she couldn't get to mu treasure. She told one guy to untie me and the other guys to hold me down and put me on the bed. I head butted one but it ain't fase him so I just stopped trying. They hooked my hands and feet to a metal thing but before she tried doing anything else the door opened and walked down the stairs was Tj wtf


Tj: No need to yell

Me: Tj you supposed to be my fucking but I forgot niggas turn a snake on your ass in time

Tj: Lisa I liked you ever since I met you you could say love at first sight but you always wanted to stay in a friend zone

Me: Tj I didn't like you more as a friend I even told you this Yall son jodidamente loco

Tj: Chantel wanna have a little fun with her ?

Chantel: Hell yeah

They both walked over to me Tj pulled my pants down Chantel trying to put her fishy pussy on my face but I kept moving. Chantel told 2 of the guys to hold my head still and to keep my legs open. Tj stuck his dick in me, Chantel rubbing her nasty ass pussy on me what else gone go wrong. After about 10mins they stopped and left. I herd Princess scream I kept trying and trying to break free from the rope but they knotted it real good. I looked up and saw something sharp I stood up and put the rope on it and kept rubbing it on it till it broke.

I was up the basment stairs but the door was locked I heard Princess scream again I kicked and kicked on the door till it open.

His old rookie ass dont have no security anywhere. I fount a gun made sure it was loaded. I hurried up the stares to where I can here Princess screams I shot the door knob and this mf was raping my fucking child I shot the nigga in the head and rushed to my baby.

Me: princess mommy so sorry I'm sorry baby

Princess: Momwy I'm sorry I wished I kept my legs close

Me: Don't ever say that ok its not your fault ok

Princess: I wanna go home mommy

Me: I know baby but can you do mommy a favorite go in the closet and hide in there don't make any noise ok

She did what I told her I made sure you couldn't see her then I went to go look for everyone else. I fount Lyssa Kenzie in a room with the babies I ran to them and hug them. I told Kenzie to go hide with Princess in the room so all them could be together. I handed Lyssa a gun she fount our cell phones

*Phone Convo*


Me: Tj and Chantel snake ass took us we at his mamma old house 21 Kingston Rd

Kj: Ite give us 5

*End Phone Convo*

I told Lyssa that there on the way

We heard voices downstairs more then 2. I heard Tj yelling where I was I told Lyssa run back to the room the kids where.





Kj P.O.V

I been up day and night trying to figure out who took her. This is why I keep my circle small. I told everyone to strap up so we can go.

We made it to the destination and rushed in there it was barley any help here so we took then out easy. I told the guys to take Chantel and Tj out to the van.

I fount Lisa hiding she rushed to me and hugged me so tight her muscle mania ass. We went to where Princess and them was hiding.

Princess: DADDY *starts crying* they hurt me

Me: They hit you

Princess: Yes and he stuck his thingy in me

That shit pissed me off even more

I told them to get in the van so I can drop them off at the house

Me: Lisa get out

Lisa: No your going to take me back the trap so shut the fuck up abd drive

Me: Fine damn you are headed

if your thinking I was scared I wasn't I'm just scared of killer Lisa.

We made it to the trap Lisa took no time getting out

we went down to the basement to finish them off.

Lisa: So you got niggas raping my fucking child huh

Tj: I got first hit virgin pussy the best

Lisa punched the shit out of him then she took a pocket knife, cut him, then sprayed a special acid on him pussy ass nigga crying begin us not to kill him I shot him in the head twice and in the chest.

Lisa took no time killing chantel. I told them to clean up the mess and we went back home.

I got my fam back


Well heres this chap only a few more chaps left of this story the next story is gone be on the kids life



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