Doctor Fix Me (Doctor Who One-Shot or scene for my fanfic)

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Doctor Fix Me (Doctor Who One-Shot or scene for my fanfic)

12:38 am 2.4.2014

     "Dad?" I yell looking around the main control room of the TARDIS getting no response.

     I sigh walking around still looking. "Dad!" I yell again a little louder.

  "Right here!" he replies making me jump as he was right next to my feet, underneath fixing something.

     I put my hand over my heart taking a few deeps breaths, "Don't scare me like that."

    "Well maybe you shouldn't come so close to my head," my father answered. He is known as the Doctor. "Anyways, what do you want sweetheart?"

     I stay quite for a couple of seconds trying to think why I wanted to talk to him. "Hm...," I think, "I forgot!" I giggle with a smile as the Doctor rolls his eyes. "Well I guess I can just talk to you while you work," I say still smiling,

     The Doctor replies but it's muffled due to his sonic screwdriver being in between his teeth.

     "What?" I ask. "I didn't hear a word you just said." He rolls his eyes again taking the screwdriver out of his mouth.

     "I said, 'That'll work'," he repeated himself huffing going back to work. I sit down watching him work for a while until I felt my phone vibrate in my jean's pocket. I take my iPhone 4 out to see that I got a text from my current boyfriend. We have been going out for about three years. The text said, 'We need to talk'. That made me a bit worried as he never says that.

     "That's strange for him," I mutter to myself replying back to the text walking off to my room.


     "Daddy...," I say with a shaky voice making The Doctor instantly stopping whatever he was doing and walk over towards me.

     "What's wrong?" he asked in a low concerned, yet comforting tone.

     "He broke up with me, after three years," I sighed feeling the urge to cry.

     "Oh baby," he pulled me into a hug.

     "There's something wrose," I say pulling away from the Doctor.

     "What is that?" he asked.

     "I'm broken," I say feeling the tears threatening to come out but won't.

     "How are you broken?" The Doctor asked confused.

     "Fix me, Doctor, fix me," I say hugging him as I try to cry.

     "Fix you?" he asked even more confused, "Fix you how?"

     "Make it easier for me to cry..."

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