of coarse

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Same day

Anthonys POV

I woke up to y/n trying to climb over me so she could lay with me


"Hey Anthony I'm just laying down go back to sleep"she said and kissed me

"Ok"I said wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into my chest

Next day

"Aannnttthhhooonnny get up" it was y/n trying to get out of my grip

"Sorry"I said groggley letting her get up

I turned over

"So what are you doing today babe"

"I don't know yet,but I do know you need to get out of my room before Jake bursts through with his camera"

"Ughhh"I get up and walk upstairs

I walk in my room and chance and Tessa are making out. I shut the door and walk back downstairs and sit on the couch.

I hear Jake talking to his camera coming downstairs

"Alright Jake paulers today we're going to wake up y/n and Anthony with a taser so let's go"

I laugh silently

He walk in and I can here him make the taser go off

He comes back out and sees me on the couch i burst out laughing

"Just because I couldn't wake you up doesn't mean I can't taze you"

I jump over the side off the couch and run to my room locking the door

"Anthony bro what the hell are you doing"chance says

"Well you see Jake tried to prank us with a taser but when he realized we were already up he started to chase me around"

"And you ran in here why?!?!"

"Because if he gets in I can jump onto the wall outside and escape"

Jake finally realized I was in my room and started to bang on the door

"I know your in there stop hiding and face me like a man"

"But what if I'm a boy and I haven't matured to a man"

"Well then come out here and face me like a boy"

"Ok"I ran out of my room into y/n's

"Anthony what are you doing"

"Uh running from Jake and a taser"

"This boy....move"

"Jake Paul get down here"you hell

"What 'mom'"

"Stop chasing everyone with tasers it's really annoying plus your using the wrong thing"

You turn around and spray Anthony with silly string

"See this doesn't hurt but it tastes bad"

"But tasers are more fun"he says stomping his foot like a little boy

"Too bad"

You walk back into the room

I wrap my arms around you

"Thanks baby"

"Your welcome but............you still haven't asked me to be your girlfriend"

"I thought that was implied"


"Alright,well then y/n y/l/n will you be my girlfriend"

"Of course Anthony Trujillo"

We kiss and i pick you up

My life is complete

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