Chapter two: Confusion has struck

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The drive was silent and I had no clue as to where I was being taken to I just stared at him, how can someone so handsome be so evil. We slowed down and the chauffeur parked into a large garage that looked like it led into the place where we where which I can only presume was Mr Mason's house as it was a mansion, it was stunning!

"You're being a good girl, don't speak or scream just follow me. I'm going to remove my tie, the cable tie and put my gun away but if you try anything you'll be dead before you make it out of my gates. Understood?" I just looked at him and nodded slowly. He shoved his gun into the back of his trousers whilst sat next to me, he untied the tie from around my mouth which was an immediate relief and then he took out a pocket knife from his trouser pocket as snapped the cable tie in two with the blade. He grabbed my chin and looked me dead in the eyes, "I mean it say anything and it's over, not even to the maids, they'll know what your here for but I don't want a word to come out of your mouth." Then he dropped his hand and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the car as the chauffeur opened the door.

We entered his house through the garage door and it was the most luxurious place I have ever set eyes on, I daren't step anywhere the floor was immaculate and looked to be made out of creamed marble. My jaw dropped in amazement. "Like what you see?" He chuckled, I just nodded in response. Women where pottering around dusting, polishing and tiding around the whole house, he led me up a large spiral staircase towards a white door at the very end of a long hallway. "Take off your heels madam" he glared at me, I slipped my heels off my feet trembling a little as I didn't want to move much as I feared what would happen, I held them in my right hand as he opened the door to reveal the largest four poster bed I have ever seen in the largest room I have ever seen, it was like a ballroom but yet a bedroom. It was glamorous with sky scraping stained glass windows and gold plaited everything from wardrobes to the bathroom, I looked at him and he just walked within the room towards his bed without a second glance, "walk" he said with a firm demanding tone to his voice. I slowly walked towards him as he was unbuttoning his shirt and sliding off his jacket and waistcoat draping them over the bottom board of this bed, I just stared at him with fear.

What do I do? What is he doing? Should I say something? Why has he taken me to his home? Is he going to shoot me? Is he going to stab me? Is he going to rape me? How is he so hot? I hate him. What do I do?

"Sit the fuck down." He pointed to his bed snapping me from my many questionable thoughts, I obeyed and placed my palms to the edge of his bed as I pushed myself onto the raised cushiony surface. "Do you know why your here Courtney?" I just stared at him. He grabbed my jaw and stared at me, "I said! Do you know why your here?" I shook my head with trembling fear, he was very intimidating and I was beginning to shake. Before I knew it I was clutching the side of my face, he just slapped me straight across my face without even hesitation. Tears streamed as I clutched my throbbing cheek. "LOOK AT ME! First rule, when I ask you a question I expect an answer immediately and you respond with Sir at the end of your reply. Got it?" I was beginning to sob. "I SAID HAVE YOU GOT IT?" He shouted demanding me to speak.

"Y-y-yes" I chocked out, he slapped the side of my thigh which was revealed as my black slim fitted dressed rose up slightly, the slap stung, "yes what?" "Y-y-yes s-s-Sir." "Better." I sobbed louder chocking on the tears and cries, "shut up. I don't like the sound of the whines coming from you, it's pathetic and irritating. Shut up or I'll make you shut up." I couldn't stop crying, I tried to stop but the tears kept coming I sobbed harder and louder. "SHUT UP!" A cloth was held over my nose and mouth, it smelt awful.

Before I knew it I was out like a light.

(If your reading please comment if you like it so I can write more:D)

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