Chapter 2

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Me: hello everybody!!
Back with chapter II of Child of Kenobi
Disclaimer: Don't own Star Wars
Now let's do this thing!!
Maeve's PoV
I looked out the window to see an endless galaxy of stars.
"I haven't been in space since I left Mandalore" I breathed
"Think every year the Separatists capture three new planets, and every year, the Republic is only able to reclaim a single world" he told
"So that's how bad the war has gotten" I mutter
"Have you not kept up with the holonet?" Mace inquired
"I usually study the history of the galaxy, train in combat, sleep, and prank someone with my powers, well I guess the force" I explained
"I see" I strained, he was obviously unimpressed with me
"So who do you think will train me?" I asked eyes sparkling
"Probably Ahsoka Tano, she left the order for a while, but rejoined after the war got worse." He grimaced
"Why did she leave?" I asked
"She lost faith in the order, it was a difficult time for her master Anakin" Windu explained
"I see"
"I suggest you don't wear those clothes in, they look filthy" he criticized
Internally I thought
'Uh what? My Aunt just gave me these robes you bald asshole, I know you don't like me, what I'd give to wring your wrinkled neck'
"Alright, I'll go put my armor on" I sighed
My armor was silver, white, and pale blue, it looked a lot like both Sabine's armor and Bo-Katan's armor, it had a frosted look, it shone in the moonlight, I adored it so.
I left my helmet off.
"So this is your armor you will not part with" Master Mace Windu critiqued
"So that's Coruscant," I raised an eyebrow
"Try not to embarrass me, I'm sure you'll be fine, but don't do anything stupid" Windu mentioned as we landed.
We walked to the temple, which was about a click away from the landing zone, smart. If an intruder landed there they would have time to prepare for the assault.
I put my helmet on as we entered the door.
The male students looked at me with mild interest, little did they know I was armed to the T.
Six grenades Sabine made, eight extra magazines of ammunition, four high power blasters, a long range sniper rifle, two virodaggers, my wrist guards release high pitched blasts, flames throwers, tranquilizers, grappling hooks, and my personal favorite,  poisoned gas. Plus I had control of the force.
"Who is this Master Windu? Pick up a girl from Mandalore?" A brunette boy around my age asked
"Concordia, and yes she's Mandalorian" he confirmed, I took off my helmet to show my face
"Hey, you're pretty cute, wanna spar?" He asked in a way I hated
"Why not" I smirked "do I have time Master Windu?" I gave him a sickly sweet smile
"I suppose, no killing though" he commanded
"Fine, no killing, but you never said no broken bones" I muttered the last part so only he hears, and he does... nothing? The coroners of his mouth twitched... interesting.
I placed my helmet on the stairs leading down to the ring.
"Aw come on John! Go easy on the new girl! She probably just found out she's force sensitive" multiple boys called to the boy across from me.
"Weapons or no?" He asked picking up a training blade
"You can use that, I'll be fine" I smiled
"Ok, whatever you say sweet cheeks" 'John' grinned
"Ready? Begin!" Mace called out, I drew two of my blasters rapidly firing at him.
"Holy shit" one guy murmured
This john was barely dodging my shots, blocking most with his now smoking training blade
Once I used up the ammunition I reloaded one and reached for one of my daggers.
I ran towards him using one of my grappling hooks to wrap around his left leg, I dropped and slid through his legs, pulling on it so he fell on his face.
Sounds like a broken nose.
I stood over him pointing my gun down at him
"Yield" I demanded
He lifted his hand so the training saber was pointed at my neck.
"Really? Your that oblivious to how we make our armor?" I questioned
Focusing, I cleared my head and pushed the blade away with the force.
"Oohhhhhhh," the crowd cheered
"I like this one" I heard someone mutter
"I tell you again. Yield"
He raised his hands, I stepped away, placing my gun and dagger back where they belong
"It's fine guys it's not like she could kill me" John said to his buddies, who liked very skeptical.
"Hah" I laughed dryly
"You think I couldn't kill you? You have no idea how armed I am" I smirked
"Please show us," he sneered
I emptied all of my compartments. Placing the six grenades down carefully.
"Holy force that girl is dangerous" a blonde boy around my age commented
"It's how I lived for the past fifteen years, training for combat starts as soon as you can walk" I explained picking everything back up
"That's so cool!" The blonde from earlier said
"Thank, my name is Maeve, what's yours?" I asked holding a hand out
"I'm Luke, Luke Skywalker" the boy grinned
"Well, I gotta go, see you later" I smiled, picking up my helmet and placing it back on my head
"Dude I think she broke your nose" some one said to John
Obi-Wan's PoV
We sat in the council chamber, waiting for Master Windu, and his new recruit.
The door opened and a young Mandalorian woman walked through, she wore pale blue, white, and silver armor. Her face obscured by her helmet.
"Masters may I introduce you to Maeve Wren, she is from Concordia." Windu boomed
"Hello miss Wren, Master Yoda, I am"
"I am Master Plo Koon"
The masters all introduced themselves one by one
"And I am Master Obi-Wan Kenobi" I introduced myself, she seemed fixated on me for a while
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you" her voice came, it sounded familiar
"Please, remove your helmet," Master Plo insisted
My breath caught as I looked at Satine, but younger, and with short strawberry blond hair, and bluer eyes. Now that I got a second look at her, she has many differences than my dear Satine, my age must be coming to get my memory
"Sense strong force in this one, I do" Yoda claimed
"Should we test her Mediclorian count?" Windu asked
"You did not do this before you came here?" Plo asked
"I did not need to, I've seen her powers first hand, she has apparently been training herself for the past two years" he admitted
"How interesting" I quipped
Anakin walked in, late as always, Ahsoka following him
"Masters, you requested my presence" The togruta commented
"Yes, we have a student for you," Plo Koon told, smiling at the now Jedi Knight
"Of course!" She beamed
"Master Tano, I am excited to learn under you" Maeve shook Ahsoka's hand
"I am excited to teach you..." she paused realizing she did not know her name
"Maeve, Maeve Wren" she gave her a lopsided grin
"Wren, one of the clans of the DeathWatch organization," she raised an eyebrow
"I'm not related by blood to the Wrens, I'm a war orphan, my parents were killed on Mandalore, and Ursa Wren found me, and raised me as one of their own." She smiled
Ursa Wren taking in a child? Intriguing.
"Miss Wren, I will show you to your room" Tano lead her out of the room
"So Master Windu, how did your primary mission go?" I questioned
"I was able to gain access to using the system for a passageway, and permission to collect ration for Concordia" he explained
"Were you unable to gain any other recruits besides the Wren girl?" Anakin asked
"Unfortunately no, but something is better than nothing in this time of war"
"True, grateful, we must be," three guesses who said that
"So master Skywalker, how are your children fairing in their training?" Plo Koon inquired
"They are both excelling rapidly, though Padmé thinks they're growing up too fast" he laughed at the last part
"I see, also how is the Mrs?" Windu grumbled a bit, he didn't like the fact that Anakin had been married previous to when the ban had been lifted
"She doing fine, still love her, if that's what you're asking" Anakin smirked
"What do you think if Maeve Wren's backstory?" Master Shaak Ti inquired
"I find it interesting that she does not know her parents" Plo Koon commented
"Adopt not, you shall, Master Plo Koon, not Clone, is she" yoda looked him dead in the eyes
"What do you think Master Kenobi?" Mace asked
"I think that the color of her armor did not match the clan Wren, she knows which clan she is from, I'm sure of it.
But her armor is too pale to match any house I'm thinking of," i commented
"I was unaware that her armor had so much of her family's history forged into it. I actually tried to get her to leave it, but she told me that if the armor stayed, she stayed"
"That makes sense, mandalorians are steeped in tradition, brought up by customs, family is everything to them." Plo explained
"Excuse me, is my father in here?" Luke poked his head into the council chamber
"Luke, not now, we're discussing a new recruit" Anakin shooed
"Oh Maeve? She's pretty awesome" he grinned
"You met her already?" My brow furrowed
"Yeah, see John, he wanted to see what she was made of, honestly I think he was hitting on her, anyway he challenged her to a duel, she kicked butt, she even broke his nose without physically touching him once!" Luke's eyes sparkled
"Interesting, what weapon did she use?" Plo koon asked
"Two blasters, a virodagger, and grappling hook. But she had a lot more weapons on her, she had a freaking sniper rifle!"
"Armed, she is. Why, I wonder."
"She said that it was how she was raised for the past fifteen years" he told
"Interesting, she seems capable in combat, but how proficient would she be with a lightsaber?" I questioned myself
"Who's going to train her?" Luke seemed interested in this girl
"Master Tano was assigned to train Maeve Wren" Mace Windu explained
"Huh, I'm sorry for intruding on your council meeting" the boy apologized
He exited the room.
"Starting to regret removing law of marriage, I am" Yoda whispered
Maeve's PoV
"So, this is my room." I stated looking around at the small tan room
"Shall we get you some other clothes than your armor?" Ahsoka asked
"I have my old combat training robes with me." I explained
"Alright, get changed and come back out. I'll be waiting behind the door" she said and stepped out
As I changed my holocom lit up, Sabine was calling already?
"Yo! How's training been?" She asked
"I haven't started training yet, I just got assigned to my master" I sighed
"Dang, well who is it?"
"Ahsoka Tano, she was Anakin Skywalker's padawan" I explained
"That's interesting, what's with that smirk, did you beat someone up already?" She groaned
"Well see it was this cocky asshole who said he wanted to see what I was made of, assuming that I would lose, honestly! He didn't even catch the red flag when I said he would use a weapon and I didn't have one!" I ranted
"What did you break?"
"His nose, idiot deserved it. Though I exchanged a few words with a guy named Luke, pretty sure he's Anakin Skywalker's son, so that's cool I guess" I say
"I guess? What is it really boring?" My best friend inquired
"No it's just, I feel really awkward, they made a big deal that I'm mandalorian. It honestly pisses me off" I crossed my arms
"Padawan? Are you finished?" My master's voice came
"Gotta go, promise I'll call you later!" I said
I walked out of my room as I tied off my wrist wraps
"Interesting, that outfit definitely looks Jedi, you said these were your old training robe?" Ahsoka asked
"Yes, my friend Sabine and I made them while we were looking at the holonet video of Jedi, so definitely inspired by you guys" I lied
"May I take a look?" A voice tingled from behind her
A petite brunette girl stood behind Ahsoka
"I'm Maeve, what's your name?" I asked suppressing the want to interrogate her, can't do that here, this is not Concordia, and this girl is not Tristan
"I'm Leia Skywalker, I believe you met my brother Luke" she mentioned
"Ah yeah, Luke, he's the only one who seemed impressed with my combat skills" I chuckled
"He said you broke John's nose. He most likely deserved it, he can be a real jerk" she replied
"Really? Ya know I would have never guessed?"
"Padawan, please, try to make friends." my master frowned
"Yes Master." I huffed
I walked away, and they didn't chase after me.
Three hours later
I have been wandering around for forever!!!
I can't go on!
Tell Sabine she can have my armor, tell my Aunt I love her, and tell Tristan that even though I acted like I hated him, the truth is.... I really do hate him.
I sat against the wall only for it to open up, the doorway led to a balcony.
When I looked out, I saw a burned section of the temple, obvious shots from blaster scared the doorway.
Interested I jumped down, tucking and rolling as I hit the roof.
I slipped in through a large crack, sliding down the pillar to my left.
A few lightsabers littered the ground, in cracks and under rubble.
I heard whispers, as if someone else was in here with me.
I picked up an old blaster, it looked like a third generation clone wars blaster, the clip was half full.
"I told she's not who she says she is!" A female voice hisssd
"How do you know that? You're just being paranoid." A male voice replied, it seemed half familiar
"She was wearing robes that look like Uncle's old ones, almost as if they were his."
I froze, were they talking about me?
I crept closer, to see Luke and Leia, with another boy.
"Guys, comeon. She said she found inspiration from old Holonet transmissions," the third boy said
He has a dark buzz cut, blue eyes, obviously a Jedi padawan. He looked around five inches taller than me.
"It looked like the exact same material, who would go that far? Some obsessive fan?" Leia shot back
"I think you're crazy" Luke glared at her
"I am not- hold on." She picked up a blaster next to her
"What? Do you see something?" The boy asked
"Here she goes again..." Luke groaned
She fired the blasted right at me, it barely hit my cheek, but it was close enough to burn me.
"Gah!!" I hiss, why would she do that! Now it's gonna scar
"Who's there? Come into the light!" The boy demanded
Both of the men drew their lightsabers, Leia came closer holding her blaster in one hand.
"fuck no!" I whispered as I made a run for the entrance
"Stop right there!" Demanded the brunette
I kept running as ruble rose around me, sliding and flipping over it, I was nearly there when I got shot in the leg.
"Force damn it" I muttered as the surrounded me, I kept my head down, it was pretty dark in here, so they couldn't tell who I was... yet
I gently touched the back of my left leg, it wasn't a bad burn, it would probably scare too. Great in two minutes I got two new scars.
"Who are you?" Leia commanded
"Darth Revan. Who the hell do you think I am princess" I sneered
"Maeve?" Luke asked
"No, didn't you hear me? I'm Darth fucking Revan" I growled
"How long were you listening to us?" The second boy asked
"Long enough to know you don't trust me... uh, who are you?"
"I'm Ezra, Ezra Bridger." He held out a hand to help me up
I took it.
"So Maeve, care to prove to them that my theory is true, you have a real last name, what is it?" The brunette inquired forcefully
"Ya know, I kinda just got shot, so if I could have a moment to wrap my leg in better lighting, it would be appreciated" I snarled
"Fine, Luke help her back to the hang out," she said exasperated
"I can get by perfectly fine by myself, I am a warrior after all" I growled as I limped back to where we started the chase
Sitting down I removed my boot, and unwrapped the bandages on my arm to place it on my leg.
"So, what's your real last name?" Leia demanded
"Force Leia, you shot her! Give her a moment to recover and then ask her your dumb question that will have no answer!" Luke moaned
"Actually your sister is right, I do have a real last name, but I don't have to tell you anything." I defied as I put my boot back on, I would have to fix the hole in it later
"Yes, you do. And you will, or else I will alert the counsel of your false identity, starting with my master and uncle Obi-Wan Kenobi." She smirked
"NOT OBI-WAN!" I demanded, a small amount a fear in my eyes
"Oh? What are you hiding from our uncle?" Luke smirked
"A secret bigger than you!" I spat
They just looked at me
"Fine. My real name is Maeve Kryze, daughter of the late Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, and Obi-Wan Kenobi" I admitted as her face fell
"Obi-Wan doesn't have a daughter," Erza interjected
"Not one that he knows of," I laughed dryly
"I was two years old when my mother died, my aunt Bo-Katan raised me with the help of clan Wren, Obi-Wan never knew, and he never will. You have to swear on the order that you do not tell anyone about this." I begged
"Why would you want to keep this from him?" She asked putting the blaster back on the table.
"Because, how would you like it if a new Jedi padawan came to the temple, and you found out their were your child. Your child with your dead love, one that died in your arms. One you didn't know of for the past nineteen years," I let hissed, anger and sadness rising in me. I had always believed that my father was dead
"And how do you think I feel, knowing he helped raise two other kids, while you grew up on a harsh world where if you couldn't fight, you died?" I questioned
"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Leia apologized
"No one was supposed to, I didn't even know until earlier today. In one planet rotation, I left my home, found out that my father was alive, that I have to train to be a warrior in a different way, gain two new scars, and be threatened to be revealed?" I questioned
"It's not fair, I'm his daughter, yet he raised you two instead." I hung my head low, I hadn't felt this horrible since I was 14 years old and I broke my arm from falling off a cliff.
"I'm sorry about my sister's actions, we promise, we won't tell" Luke apologized
"Yeah, you can trust us, Maeve." Ezra grinned
"Thanks, oh and about the robes, they were my father's, my Aunt modified them so they would fit me," I commented
"I see," she muttered
"Alright, I think that's enough for one day, we should head back to our rooms." Then blonde commented
"I agree," I whispered standing up
"Wow wow wow! You just got shot in the leg! You should not be walking!" Ezra worried
"I'm fine, I've been through way worse injuries than this" I insisted but the guys still helped me up to the ceiling
When we got back to the balcony Leia walked me back to my room.
"Thanks for showing me back to my room. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier" I conceded
"It's fine, I acted out as well, I apologize"
"Is it possible you can show me around the temple" I implored
"Of course, I will see you in the morning" she waved as she walked away
I changed out of robes into a pair of loose black pants which stopped mid calf, I wrapped both of my feet and legs to hid my injury and re-wrapped my other arm.
Most people would brush off the fact that I'm wearing so many bandages. Little did they know, I wore them to hide the numerous scars that littered my lower abdomen and back.
No one will ever find out.
They don't need to know.
These were my battle scars, and mine alone.
Flash back
I was fourteen years old.
Clan Saxon had declared war on Clan Wren, which meant bloodshed. Lost of it.
Gar Saxon had always hate the Wrens, even more so after Bo-Katan had left Deathwatch to raise me with their aid.
I was supposed to be scouting, but I had other plans.
Sabine had helped me rig more that twenty high power explosives, I was to sneak into their base and plant the charges, get out, and watch the fireworks.
Obviously that's not how it went.
When I began to place the second to last charge, I was captured.
For a week I was tortured for information regarding my clan. Electrocution, whippings, mind probes, injections, even brutal beatings.
No matter what I said, which was very little, they kept going, finding sick, dishonorable, horrendous pleasure in my pain.
The only way I escaped was making them believe me dead.
When I broke out I made a run for it, setting of the charges.
The force from the blast knocked me off a nearby cliff.
That's how I broke my arm.
I cried, I cried from all the pain I was in.
Was it fair? Was it fair that I, a fourteen year old girl, with no parents, be tortured? Taken as a prisoner of was, beaten nearly to death by a maniac.
When I finally got home, I had lost a lot of blood.
I should have died that day, my aunt nearly killed me herself when she saw what state I was in.
I don't blame her, I must have looked like a wreck, a bloody, beaten, broken wreck.
I stayed in the medical bay for the next four weeks, nobody could leave me alone.
I swear, the only thing that kept me sane was Sabine.
End of Flashback
I looked out the small window in my room. The city seemed to glow and sparkle, I hadn't seen anything like this before.
It was kind of calming.
I laid down, closing my eyes.
The last thought that crossed my mind was why?
Why was I given this gift? And how would I use it in the future.
That is it for chapter two!
What did you think?
Please let me know in the comment section below!
Thank you so much for reading
Stay awesome until the next chapter!

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