Chapter five

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Me: Hello!
Welcome back to Child of Kenobi, I am Jade the sucky teen author and if you've made it this far. Thank you so freaking much I don't honestly know why people read this.
But thank you guys for reading and now
Disclaimer: don't own Star Wars
Now let us stay on with the story
Maeve's PoV
As the shuttle descended into the depths of Coruscant a pit settled in the bottom of my stomach.
I literally started doing this sort of stuff yesterday, but atleast I was with people who knew what they were doing.
A light flashes on my Holocom, signaling someone was calling
Thank the force, it was Sabine.
"Hey, how the training going?"
"Pretty good, made my lightsabers out of those crystals we found as kids, on my first mission, oh and I found out that someone from Clan Saxon lived through the bombing and is out for blood" I smiled at the last part
"What! That's impossible, there were no survivors! You did place those bombs everywhere right?" She asked, Ezra looked at me, shit well, too late now
"Yes I placed them everywhere, after I broke out I threw the rest of them into the main reactor room" I rolled my eyes
"Maeve, I told you that if you just put them there we wouldn't get the best outcome," she sighed
"I'm sorry but with the amount of force that was created by that blast threw me off the cliff remember?"
"Yeah, I know. Sorry, it's just. I thought it was over," she sighed
"Yeah well they made a pretty vivid come back, the survivor bombed the senate building,"
"How do you know it was a member did clan Saxon?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that the bombs were arranged to form their clan symbol gave it away"
"Yeah well they were always pretty full of themselves" she sighed
"I gotta go, but could you mention this to your mom, she should probably alert the clan" I gave a lopsided smile
"Yeah, will do. See you soon," she sounded suspicious at that last part, but she hung up before I could ask any questions
"Maeve, what did she mean by you planting bombs?" Ezra asked, it looked like the twins hadn't heard me so, that's a silver lining
"You know how I mentioned that two warriors took out Clan Saxon's base? Well that was my best friend Satine and me," I glanced away
"And you were the one who got tortured?" He asked, concern in his eyes
"Yeah, I don't like talking about it, so can we just drop it?" I asked
"Yeah, sure" Ezra backed off, thank force
"So where should we start?" Luke asked
"I don't know, maybe out on the streets, try and see if anyone knows anything?" Leia suggested
"Ok, so I know you guys are all like seventeen, and that's cool, you have more experience in Jedi stuff than me, but if you want to find people, you have to start at the local cantina." I smirked, it was hard to remember that the three that stood before me were younger than me, they seemed so mature for their age.
"How about as divide our forces, the girls go to the cantina, and Ezra and I will walk around the streets," Luke suggested
"Sounds good to me," I smirked
"Shouldn't one girl go to the streets and one to the cantina?" Leia suggested
"I like that, so I'll go to the Cantina with Maeve, and the twins can hit the streets, stay in contact the whole time, no exceptions" Ezra smiled
"I'm cool with whatever honestly" I sat down, leaning back
"Fine, let's do that" Luke conceded
The pilot, named Hera, dropped Ezra and me off at the nearest cantina.
"So, how are we going to get in? The line is really long," he groaned
I walked up to the guy in front of the door
"You will let us inside" I used the force
"I will let you inside" he pulled the rope away and we walked in
"That was pretty good for a newby" Ezra commented
"Oh, I used to do that all the time on Concordia to get Sabine and me into places" I chuckled
"Whose Sabine?"
"She's my best friend, she's a few months older than me, so she'll be nineteen soon," I smiled
"What does she like to do?"
"She likes to paint, she's mischievous, and not for you," I smiled walking away up to the bar.
"What do you want?" The bartender asked
"Can I get two varos tihaars on ice?"
"Coming right up" he sighed
Moments later I handed him the required ten credits, bringing the drink back to Ezra we took a seat on the side of the bottom floor.
"What is this?" He asked spitting a little out "I thought it was water" he choked
"Water? No this, this is varos tihaar, it's a Mandalorian alcohol, practically grew up on the stuff, though, the stuff on Concordia isn't as watered down" I smiled sadly feeling a bit homesick.
"Really? You realize I'm underage right? And the Jedi order prefers it's padawans not to drink." He inquired
"Prefers, I asked and apparently it's more of guide lines, besides I can tell you are under age and never had this before, you were drinking it wrong" I joked
"Wait what?"
"You tried to take a large gulp, this is supposed to be drunk slowly, or else you could burn yourself" I made my point by taking a sip
"And besides you don't have to drink it, I just had to get it because you have to get a drink to actually be in here" I sighed when I saw him grimace at the drink
"I'll be right back," I smirked
Walking back to the bar I found the bartender finishing the last order
"Hey, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, what do you want to know?"
"Has anyone with the last name Saxon been here? Opened a tab perhaps?" I inquired
"Saxon huh? Isn't that that old Mandalorian clan? Hmmmm, there was a young lady who came in here and enlisted the help of two bounty hunter droids, I didn't see her face though, she was covered in a black cloak" he explained
"Do you have any idea where she may have taken them?"
"Probably down to the factory on level 13:15" he explained
"Thanks" I gave him fifteen credits for his trouble
When I got back to Ezra, he was trying the tihaar again
"Ezra time to go," I hit his shoulder
"Shouldn't you finish your drink?" He asked standing up
"Nah, if I were to drink all of that to fast, I would pass out" I smiled
We exited the bar to find the twins waiting, both soaking wet.
"What happened to you guys" I tried to stop myself from laughing
"This genius here dragged me into a chase of an aquatic animal, let's just say he found his was to some sort of pond, and pulled us in" Leia glared at Luke
"I thought he was the bomber!" Luke protested
"The person we are looking for is female," I started
"Female huh? How do you know that?" Luke criticized
"A) I asked about the name, B) I was given detailed information, and C) question me again and you will never have children" I threatened
"Ok fine, but you should know, threats are not the Jedi way" Luke conceded
"I swear to the force if someone tells me my actions are not the Jedi way again I will gut them" I rubbed my temples
"We're just letting you know," The brunette furrowed her brows
"I know, I know. It's just, I went from having almost absolute freedom of expression to almost none at all" I sighed
"Yeah it's a lot to get used to, those two over there were raised on the Jedi code," Ezra said behind his hand
"Alright what info did you get?" Like huffed
"The suspect hired two bounty hunter droids, and headed down to level 13:15" I explained
"Hey Hera, can you come pick us up?" Ezra spoke into his communicator
"On route"
We waited for a bit, and when she got here someone was co-piloting.
When I entered I got tackled
"What the fu-"
"So one day away and you forget what I look like? How could you?" A familiar voice asked
"Sabine? What are you doing here?" I smiled
"Well the deal Senator Kryze made with my mom require us to send in some more troops, and well I volunteered to go, got put as I pilot, some guy named Caleb grumbled about how we Mandalorians were multiplying" she laughed
"Well welcome to the team," I smirked looking at the other padawans
"Who's this?" Leis asked suspicious
"She is the co-pilot," I explained
"Why aren't you wearing Republic armor?" Ezra asked brow furrowed
"You better not be a spy" Luke ignited his green lightsaber
"I swear on my mother's grave she is not, this is Sabine, my best friend from Concordia" I slung my arm around her
"Well it's very nice to meet you," Leia acted civil, thank god
"It's nice to have you aboard, from what Maeve has told me you have a very useful skill set," Ezra shook her hand
"Sorry for the over reaction," Luke apologized
"What has Maeve said about me?" She looked my way
"She said you are very adapt at demolitions, are a talented artist, and could 'kick my ass any day'" he smirked
"Did gar really sirbur ibac about ni, ra cuyir kaysh shi flirting?" Sabine asked in Mando'a
(Did you really say that about me, or is he just flirting?")
"Probably bintar, though Ni did rejorhaa'ir him ibac gar cuyir not par him" I replied
(Probably both, though I did tell him you are not for him)
"kaysh's kind be cute honestly" she smirked
(He's kinda cute honestly)
"Gar filthy aruetii" I glared at her
(You filthy traitor)
"What the hell are they saying?" Luke whispered to his sister
"I don't know! I don't speak Mando'a!" She hissed
"I don't like how they're looking at me" Ezra whispered
"Sabine please get in here! We need to leave!" The pilot called
When Sabine exited Leia kinda, glared at me
"What?" I asked
"Why did you switch languages?" She asked hotly
"Because I was asking her about her family, how they were doing, what her father's condition is" I explained
"Is he sick?" Luke asked
"He was diagnosed with blooburn last year" I crossed my arms.
(For those who don't know what bloodburn is, it's a diseases in the extended universe, it's often deadly)
"Oh, that's horrible" Ezra whispered
"It's not my place to tell you this, there is a totally justifiable reason we did not want to include you in the conversation, next time please realize this"
Im such a good liar.
The part about Sabine's father being sick is true, but she doesn't like to talk about it, not even with me.
Neither of us have seen him since he was diagnosed, he's at a medical facility on Mandalore.
"We're starting our descent into level 13:15" Hera explained
Haven's PoV
I could sense them, the Jedi were after me.
Good, from what I could tell they sent padawans.
I could sense my oncoming master piece, she was so mean, I work on it for a whole week, and then she just leaves! Killing everyone who ever cared for me. I escaped the carnage thanks to a stealth generator, late I found my master, he taught me to harness my hatred.
We even discovered a new force power.
To hurt your enemy through wounds you already made on them.
This would be fun
Sabine's PoV
"I've been ordered to go with you guys" I said putting my helmet on
"You sure you can keep up with us?" Ezra joked
"The question isn't can I keep up with you, it's can you keep up with me" I flicked his forehead
"Alright, shall we go?" Maeve asked
"We shall," the princess stepped out of the ship wearing new clean robes, they looked exactly like her last pair, except these weren't wet. Same with her brother.
"Bid pehea ruug'la cuyir ezra anyway?" I whispered
(So how old is Ezra anyway?)
"Sixteen ge seventeen" my best friend rolled her eyes
(Sixteen almost seventeen)
"kaysh cuyir balyc staabi Nor'be gar, bid tion'jor not tionir him yourself?" She finished
(He's also right behind you, so why don't you ask him yourself?)
"I will" I replied in basic
"So how old are you three?" I asked the three padawans
"Well we were born on May 24th standard time" Leia told
"Mine is May 22nd standard time" Ezra chipped in
"So you're two days older than the twins? Interesting, so you're all turning seventeen in two standard months?" I smiled under the helmet
"And you? How old are you?" Luke asked
"I'm turning nineteen in the next standard mont, Maeve is a few months younger than me" I explained
"So how's her aunt?" Leia asked
"She told you?" I almost stopped
"Yeah, basically she found her way into an area that was off limits, and Leia, well she shot her in the leg" Ezra told
"You aren't mad?" The girl in question asked in disbelief
"Mad? No, it's impressive for someone to disable someone with Maeve's skills, though she probably wasn't trying, I'm not saying she's some super warrior or anything, she's lost in all sorts of battles, even when at her best, but she is very skilled" I smiled thinking of my best friend
"Alright enough chit chat, this is the fac-"
Maeve was cut off when she fell to the ground.
"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm hurt, they only sent a couple padawans and a dumb Mandalorian to catch me" a voice came from the shadows
"What did you do?" Luke demanded to know
"Just brought out some old pains" the voice tingled with a distinct pouty tinge to it
"What do you mean by 'old pain'?" Leia asked igniting her blue double bladed lightsaber
"The Mandalorian girl next you knows what I'm talking about,"
This person couldn't be talking about her scars could she?
"Who are you and how do you know about that?" I hissed pulling out two blasters
"Just an old friend, I'm hurt you thought me dead, did you honestly think that a few bombs would end the civil war?" She laughed
My heart stopped, the bomber couldn't be, it couldn't be Haven Saxon could it?
"Haven! Step into the light!" I demanded voice shaking
"Awwwww, you remember my name," she cooed stepping out behind us
"H-how the hell are you alive?" Maeve gritted through her teeth as she stood
"How am I alive? You were incompetent. You failed in your mission, sure I'm forever scarred, missing my right hand, and have no family, but I didn't fail in my mission, I made you suffer." She grinned manically
"Then I guess we have a second chance to complete that mission now don't we?" I fired rapidly at her
She drew what looked like a lightsaber, except it continued to extend into a long rope. It was a whip, the perfect weapon for someone who was as good at torture as her
(The lightwhip is a real thing in the extended universe)
Both Ezra and Luke ignited their green lightsabers, suddenly I felt out of place, I brought a gun to a sword fight.
"Here," Maeve tossed me one of her lightsabers, odd. How did she know what I was thinking?
"Heh, now it's a fair fight," Haven chuckled
"There are like five of us, and only one of you, how is that fair?" Leia asked
"It's perfectly fair" she chuckled as she pulled out a second lightwhip, two droids then burst out of nowhere.
"Bounty hunters" Maeve grunted
Everything stood still for a moment, then all hell broke loose.
In a blur of sparks and light the bounty hunters were down, and Haven was nowhere to be found.
During the fight there were no thoughts, just pure instincts, and battle disapplen.
"Hey, is everyone alright?" Maeve asked, before she fainted
Maeve's PoV
I woke up back on the ship, the top of my tunic was removed, just leaving my breast binding. Cooling bacta strips were placed on my lower abdomen and back.
My back
Had everyone seen?
"Good you're awake" Sabine walked in
"They saw didn't they?" I asked quietly
"Yeah. Dude, all your scars were bleeding again. Your tunic is soaked in blood" she looked at me seriously
"How? Why? Those scars are almost five years old by now!" I wanted to shout but every unnecessary movement shot pain through me
"I don't know, do you want me to contact your aunt about this?" She asked softly
"No, she doesn't need to know about a few cuts and bruises" I stood up, wobbling a bit
"Hold on you should not be getting up!" My best friend rushed over to sit me back down worried
"Sabine, I appreciate your concern for me, but I'll be fine, I'm always fine."
'Even when I'm not' I thought the last part
"Just stay here, get some sleep please" she begged as I laid back down
"Fine, but could you get me some tihaar to help me fall asleep?" I asked with a small smile
"I swear you're dependent on that crap for sleep" Sabine sighed
"No, just used to it, you know that it was the only way for Bo to get me to sleep when I was younger," I chuckled
Basically little six year old me, was running around the complex while my aunt was trying to get me to sleep, and she finally gave up, pouring herself a quite large glass of tihaar, when she heard me in the other room, accidentally knocking over a rack of grenades, I ran in, and I saw what I thought was water, when it burned my throat, I just assumed it was hot, and long story short, I drank the whole glass, and Bo later found me passed out on the floor still holding the glass. Then the adults made the executive order to give me a small glass before bed every night so I would actually sleep and not terrorize everyone else, causing insomnia.
"Fine, you want the triple distilled stuff from home? Bo asked me to bring it." She explained throwing me a flask
"Hell fricken yes, the stuff here cannot compare" I joked
"Just don't drink it all at once ok? It's not good for you" she frowned
"Aye sir" I twisted off the cap
Hera's PoV
My new co-pilot walked out of the medical bay with a sorrowful expression
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked softly
"Honestly, that girl couldn't survive without me" she whispered "sometimes I feel like I'm always picking up her pieces, even when she acts like she didn't just fall apart" she sat in her chair
"What do you mean?" I inquired
"Well, I guess it would be good for me to talk to someone." Sabine sighed
"It probably would"
"Maeve, is my best friend, she's like a sister to me, but, it seems like she wants to self destruct. She drinks strong liqure to sleep, she never asks for help, she doesn't let her emotions out, now I'm no one to say she should show emotions, but it feels like she's always wearing a mask. Part of me thinks she blames me for what happened to her when we were kids" the young girl looked down at her colorfully painted armor
"What exactly did happen to her?"
"When we were fourteen, our clan got caught up in a civil war, now we were only supposed to be scouts, but we had other plans. She helped me create high power frag detonators, and we mapped out the opponent's base. She went in to plant the detonators, I waited with the main trigger, but she had an emergency one.
Basically I was to wait outside, and if there was an emergency, go and get her aunt, Bo-Katan. When I did go to get her, they told me that it would take time to plan a recovery, a recovery of her body" She whispered deathly quiet
"But she's alive. When you went to recover her, you found her alive" I smiled kindly
"No. The day before the recovery, she stumbled into the base, bloody and broken, scars littering her body. She spent the next month in the medical wing of the compound. Honestly part of her died that day, she started drinking more just to sleep" Sabine looked far older than she should.
"I've heard of people drugging themselves to sleep so they don't have nightmares" I told
"Drugging so they don't have nightmares..."
"I've met some good people on my home world, and they suffer from memories of when my people were occupied by the separatists. She could be the same way" I explained
"So you think it could be something psychological?" She looked up, her friend clearly meant a lot to her
"It's a possibility"
"Thanks for letting vent, I just, I'm worried about her. All these change that have been happening, Haven being alive, it's just, sensory overload"
"Come talk to me any time"
Me: and that is it for chapter V
So what did you think?
Please let me know in the comment section below!
Also another question: should Sabine and Ezra be a couple in future chapters? I have been playing around with this idea and I want to know what you guys think
So thank you for reading and I will see you next chapter whenever that may come out!

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