Chapter Eight

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Ava's POV

I woke up to find my self in my room. Chase and unexpectedly Charlie was there to..

I was about to give my am sorry speech then he shush me..

I laid back and took in a deep breath then I turned to face Chase..

He then gave me's okay smile..

He has alot of smiles..

I looked up then asked
"What happened?"

They both wanted to talk at once but then stopped..they tried again then stopped..

I got up and Charlie tried to push me down but I ignored..

"I remember..the Analy Council was looking into me then I blacked always blacking out these days"

I touched my head with my both hands..

I felt a slight touch on my shoulders that turned me to look was Chase..

He always does that..

"Calm down Ava..the Analy Council said we should go meet the woman who blocked your memory out that if she can unblock you will be able to remember" He assured but I was getting tired of been looked into..

"I can see that you are tired of being looked into but we have to do it" He said like he could read my memory so easily..

I looked down at my feet and sighed an okay..

Charlie came up to me and said
"Hey! You will be okay..I know that..after all you are a shadow hunter" He smile and spread hus hands for a hug..I came it his embrace and he locked me in his chest..and I smiled and inhaled his natural scent..

Jay's POV

I hope Ava is doing okay..I don't like seeing  my buddy this down..

I walked up to Ava's room and unlocked to see Ava, Chase and Charlie all on he red just chatting..

I then scoffed for them to notice me..they turned their attention to me..

"Sorry to spoil this but Ava, Lord Gothwell wants to see you"

Ava nodded and got up at once..and left them to follow me..

She turned back before leaving the room..
"No fighting boys..I might black out again" She said ..

They both raised their hands above their head as a sign of surrender..

I saw Ava smirk and leave the room..

We walked silently..
On our way..
Ava's POV

"Sorry if my sister is being an obnoxious Diva to you" He said and squealed..

It was kinda cute..I was happy that the family wasn't all annoying..

"Thanks Jay..I don't know why she hates me but I can't see anything that I can do about it"

Of course I knew why she hates but I just wanted to be sure about it..

"Well..she kinda likes Chase and you came in so she like kinda sees you like a threat to her plan of making him fall for her"

"So what you are saying is that she is jealous and afraid of me taking her crush"

I nodded..

We arrived at the hall and Jay led me in and left..

"Lord Gothwell?" I called

"Sit down Child" He said coming out of nowhere and gestured for me to sit down..

I sat still wondering where he came from..

"So Ava how was your visit to Mrs Cathswill?"

He asked stiffened like something bothered him..

"It was alright but then I went to the Analy Council for a proper check up of my memory"

"The Analy Council?"

I nodded

"And who gave you this idea?"

"Mrs Cathswill and Chase"

"Defying my orders but anyways what did the Analy Council say?"

"They said to need to meet with who ever blocked my memory"

"Blocked your memory?"

I nodded

Was he deaf..u hate all this annoying questions! !

"You will have to go Ava and find out more about where the ring might be"

"Why do we even need to find thus ring? Isn't it better that no one knows where it is? The big deal here is my Dad and no one seems to care about where he is" I said and folded my arms and I gave a grudging face..

He rose up at once and turned to leave my presence then turned back and whispered


And with that he disappeared..

Something seemed off about him today and more than usual!!

Okay!! I know it's a short chapter but I wanted it to seem dramatic and tell me what you think. ..

Lots of love as you ...and comment..

Xoxo * _ * Pierre_Luc 😘 😘 😘

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