Chapter Fourteen

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Ava's POV

I felt the harsh breath and touch of two sharp like things on my throat. ..I looked up to see monster Mrs Cathswill coming closer and nudging on my neck even harder..

I feared that she would go even deeper and bite me..I screeched and flinched and that make the fangs shake on my neck..I could see Charlie and Eve enter I to the scene. .

He yelled my name but I couldn't answer back..

It was going deeper and from nowhere I heard the deepening of the fangs on my was sharp and I closed my eyes believing that this was the end..

Within the blink of an eye..expecting the fangs to have gotten deeper bit no it all froze and I felt that no I was the one that froze but it was actually Mrs Cathswill..

I looked up and felt her grip on me loosen up..she fell backwards and the glowing sword that Charlie had plunged into her back got deeper into her body..

I looked up at Charlie and locked him in a tight embrace..Chase came over to make sure that she was really gone so he stabbed again and she just melted away..

I left Charlie's embrace to go to Chase and he looked up at me and tried to bring up one of hi you okay ? Smiles.

But I just shook my head and he hugged me tight and kissed my top hair lightly..

I wished it was my lips..

We left there to go to the house..
I took my Dad's sketch note with me and kept the ring in one of the pages just to keep it safe..

We walked up to the house and Jay welcomed us in...He began to sniff us and he looked up at Chase..

"You fought a demon!" He yelled.

Chase just nodded

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I couldn't..I had to do something fast"

"Still you got hurt"

I hadn't noticed Chase bleeding until Jay pointed it out..
He was bleeding on his left at  where his jacket was slightly torn open..

I rushed at it and tried to stop it from gushing out with my hands..

I know eww..buh I couldn't care less about it..

I took him to sit down on one of the arm chairs and he did with a bowed head..Jay brought hot water and a towel over so I could press his wound..

He bit his lip as I began and I knew it hurt but he just had to bear it a little..

After all of walked him to his room so he good have some rest..

He slept eventually after our long talk and I was in the hallway again..

I slipped out my Dad sketch note from my jacket then I flipped the pages and I met with the page where the ring was kept..

A cunny smile crawled onto my face then disappeared when I heard my name from a distance..

It was Eve..

Scared of what tantrum she was gonna throw on me..She smiled.


She led me into her room and then locked the door..

Oh no! What is she gonna do to me now?  I hope it isn't painful..I can't take more of just can't..

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