A Worse Person-a love letter

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Friend, you told me yesterday, "Good job becoming a worse person." Friend, words hurt. They leave scars that never vanish. Whatever I was doing, I may not ever be able to do again. I know I'm not the best person. I'm not telling you I'm perfect. But if you have to point out my flaws, do it behind my back, and not to my face. Don't be a coward when talking to me or texting me. Those words you told me. They're knives, waiting to cut me up, and destroy my spirit. Words don't vanish. Once they're there, they're there. There's no taking them back, no fixing what you said. They stick in the air, choking me. I can't breathe. Why? So you could prove you're better than me? For someone so smart, sometimes you do things really stupid. I know, you could say, that I'm doing the same thing. Behind a account on a screen. But, the difference is, I share with the world. They have free will to read it, or not read it. Every thing you send me privately, I have to read. Think about that.


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