Chapter 4

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Maria's P.O.V.

In the movies or books a person wakes up in a hospital and has no idea what happened.

Not me. I woke up and know exactly what happened. Once again it was all Cameron's fault. When is he going to atop ruining my life?

"Hey babe, how you feeling?" Lindsey asked trying to be cheery. She had dark  circles under her eyes.

"Like shit." I muttered.

"Don't be such a bitch." She joked. or tried to I just got so freaking pissed off.

"Leave." I told her.

"Wha-what?" She stammered.

"you heard me? I know exactly what you are doing you f*cking do it all the time." I snapped. She knew what I was talking about

"Maybe I wouldn't do that if you really weren't such a bitch!" She shouted.

"Well maybe I wouldn't be such a bitch it you weren't some slut who just wants to sleep with my douchebag of a brother!" I screamed.

"At least your 'douchebag' brother is nice." She said and got up and walked away.

Cameron's P.O.V.

My family and I were in the hospital's cafeteria, because apperantly my diet hasnt been healthy enough. I still didn't feel like eating so I went and got up to the bathroom.

On my way there I saw Lindsey. Why wasn't she with Maria? This is the only time I have seen her leave Maria's side other than her having to go to the bathroom.

She walked over to me and we sat down on chairs that were in the waiting room. She lunged towards me and started making out with me.

When I finally pushed her off. I was beyond pissed. 1. I'm interested in someone else. 2. She is my sister's best friend!

"What the hell was that?!" I shouted at her.

"what?" She asked like what she did wasn't completely wrong.

"You bitch!! Why are you such a fucking whore?!" Someone shouted. I turned and saw Maria standing there.

"Like you care." Lindsey scoffed.

"You know what? I was actually going to come out and apologize for what I said but know I'll say it again you are a fucking slut and also get out of my damned life!" She screamed. Holy shit what is going on?

(Sorry it's short I have three projects due for school tomorrow! Also sorry for the mistakes!!)

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