Chapter 3

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Cameron's P.O.V.

I heard a bunch of screams. Ugh as much as I love my fans they do sometimes get in the way of things. I mean don't get me wrong they are wonderful, but I feel like they show up at things that they aren't supposed to be at.

Like last year Maria had her 16th birthday party and a bunch of girls mobbed my house. I felt terrible. Especially when I promised that no fans would get in the way.

I honestly think she is still pissed at me for that. I really don't blame her.

Despite the fact that a ton of girls were looking for me and about to mob me I still looked for Lindsey and Maria.

Then I heard a twig snap and jumped back. Phew it was just Maria and Lindsey.

"Finally! I  found you let's go back." I said trying to grin at Maria who looked like she was ready to murder me.

"Whatever." Was all she could say.

"THERE HE IS!!" A fan screamed. fuck.

Maria and Lindsey took off deeper into the woods. I followed them. After 15 minutes of sprinting we finally lost them.

That's when Maria tried hopping over a fallen tree and fell. She started to cry.

"Lindsey call my dad." I commanded her as I handed my phone to her.

She was on the phone as I tried helping Maria I took of her sock and I saw that the bone went thru the skin. Great a compound fracture.

"Lindsey hurry!" I shouted.

"He called an ambulance!" She shouted back.

I put a bandana on the wound to try to stop the bleeding. It somewhat helped. I will now always follow Taylor's advice; to always carry a bandana in your back pocket.

A few minutes later an ambulance finally came and Maria was taken to the hospital. I feel horrible this was all my fault.

(Hope you guys are liking it!! I still need a cover! I will give out my kik so you guys can send it to me. Please comment and vote!)

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