Look Out Ishgar! Here They Come!

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Hendrickson POV

"Where are we, Dreyfus? My head hurts so badly." I say as I open my eyes and sit up.

"Yikes! The Commandments came with us to whatever this place is!" Dreyfus yelps in surprise and fear.

"Do you have to be so loud? We're just as confused as to what happened and where we are as you two." Estarossa says as he wakes up.

"Big Bro what happened?" Zeldris asks as he and the other Commandments who are there wake up.

"Ahhh! I'm a girl!" Gloxinia yells loudly in horror as Dolor looks at her with starry eyes, as do Merascylla, Derieri, and surprisingly enough, Gowther.

"Wow! I've always thought you'd make a great girl!" The female Commandments, Estarossa, and Gowther say.

"Gowther where are we?" Guila and Escanor say as they also wake up.

"What in the world is going on here?!" Monspiet and most of us yell.

I consider our options and decide that the best choice for now, is to call a temporary truce between us. "How about we all call a truce for now? We can go back to being enemies later. For now we need to work together to figure out what's going on and what to do about it. All right?" I ask them and they all nod.

"So what should we do first?" Estarossa asks and I say, "Maybe you guys should turn off your demonic markings or whatever you call it? They could attract a lot of unwanted attention."

Estarossa nods and look at the other Commandments who turn off their shadows. Gloxinia has brilliant blue eyes without her markings, Derieri has chocolate brown eyes, Estarossa has lovely magenta eyes without pupils, Zeldris's eyes are bright red with an reddish-amber tint to his scelaras, Dolor's eyes are gray, Monspiet's are orange, Merascylla has primrose-colored eyes, and Fraudrin, well he has to shape-shift to a more humanoid form and as he does a purple light surrounds him.

When it fades I hear Dreyfus growl, I look at where Fraudrin had been and see a slightly taller version of Dreyfus. His skin is as pale as alabaster, he has vermillion red eyes, black hair, he's wearing a dark blood red and dark purple cloak over black clothes styled like Dreyfus's casual clothes. The blood red part of the cloak is on the inside of it, and the cloak also has a hood on it. His nails are sharp and he had no facial hair, his hair is neatly styled, and he has a pair of black leather combat boots.

"Did you have to make yourself look so much like me?!" Dreyfus yells at him angrily as the rest of us facepalm.

"I agree with Dreyfus. But we can deal with that later. For now we need to figure out what to do next." Guila, Gowther, Escanor, and I say.

"True, maybe we should find our way out of this forest first? Then maybe find a city and ask around about where we are?" Zeldris suggests as he, Estarossa, and I help everyone else up off the ground. We all nod in agreement.

"Ok, so which direction should we go right now, Druid Boy?" Fraudrin says rudely as he tries to trip Dreyfus as he walks over to me since Dreyfus had been trying to get his hair back to how he usually had it before the whole New Holy War had started.

Dreyfus punches him in the face knocking the doppelganger unconscious and the Commandments surprisingly enough, cheer. The rest of us sweatdrop.

When they do, I look to the side a bit and am surprised when I see an unknown person looking straight at us a bit far away.

Normal POV

The unknown person that he saw is a male with bright blonde hair and a pitch black coat with black clothes. Hendrickson couldn't see all of the male's features since he could not see from that far away that well.

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