Tamer of the Fallen Angel of Pride

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Lucemon POV

I looked down at Larcade when I heard soft snores. He must be completely exhausted after what he's been through. But, I can tell that there's a tiny part of that darkness permanently stuck deep in his mind. But Larcade will obviously overcome that.

Then an amusing thought occurred to me, 'what if he's my Tamer?' I watched as he shifted a little bit and faced the side but continued sleeping peacefully. I flew down to the balcony of his room and carried him inside.

"Larcade! Lucemon, is he ok?! He's not hurt anymore is he?!" Zeref said as he ran over to me having apparently been waiting to see if Larcade would come back home, in his bedroom.

"Calm down Zeref. Or you'll wake him up. After everything he went through today, he needs completely undisturbed sleep." I told him as I helped him tuck Larcade into bed.

"Alright..." I heard him say sounding a little sad, then he turned around and started walking away. I was going to look at Larcade to keep on tucking him a little more but then I heard Zeref say something to himself like, "This was all...my fault..."

I was about to say something to him, but then Zeref already went out the room quickly.

I looked at the floor a little, and when I saw a small drop of water on the floor, then a sudden thought came to me, 'was he... crying?'

I finished tucking Larcade in and left his room and shut the door behind me. I ran off after Zeref.

Since he was still in the hallway, he was a little far, especially since he was walking off a little fast while looking down at the floor, and then I ran towards him and successfully caught up to him.

"Zeref." He stopped walking and looked up at me. He had tears in his eyes.

"Larcade and the rest of us all know what happened isn't your fault! So please, don't beat yourself up over it. Larcade doesn't want that. I don't even want to think about how much it'll sadden him if you do. I understand you're worried for him. What parent wouldn't worry about their child if something like this happened." I told him in an effort to help comfort him.

His tears rolled down his cheeks, and then he fell on his knees and covered his eyes, I also kneeled down quickly to make sure he was ok, then he said, "The only reason I'm saying is that it's my fault...is because...I created that demon in order to test once again if my son was still strong!"

I got shocked when he said that, then he stood up and took off running. I stood up as well and started chasing after him, "Zeref!"

He ignored me and continued running while sobbing at the same time, I ran a little faster and threw myself on top of him which caused us both to fall down.

Since he was moving around too much to get out from underneath me, I grabbed his wrists and held them down, and then I stood on my knees, and looked down at him who kept on sobbing, "Zeref! You have to calm down!" I told him.

He looked to the side, and then he said, "What do...you want?...It was...my fault that all of this...happened..."

I growled and spread my wings out, "Don't you dare talk like that! Do you think just because of one mishap that he'll hate you or something like that?! If that was the case, Gowther would be at my throat at this very second and none of my kids would like me at all! So pull yourself together, Zeref Dragneel!" I yelled at him trying to get him to comprehend that he needs to stop beating himself up.

More tears rolled down his cheeks and I could feel him slightly trembling under me, was it possible that he was....scared? I looked up quickly when I saw Larcade standing right there staring at us with a shocked expression.

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