Chapter 3

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   We watched as the Dauntless-born initiates fell into the nets. Some coming down in twos, like how Tristan and Ethan did, others came in threes and the rest in fours. The Dauntless-born initiates already had pokemon. The other factions, except Amity, had pokemon as well but once we transfer we leave them at our old factions. The Amity thought it was cruel to keep pokemon captive in pokeballs, so most of our pokemon were wild. That's another thing I've always wanted, my own pokemon.

   After all the Dauntless-born initiates were lined up against the wall across from us, everyone became silent. It was the kind of silence that starts to hurt your ears after awhile, the kind that makes you want to pull your hair out in the anticipation of hearing just one sound. Then we all heard a "whooooooohooooo!" and Tris came into view. She fell, but landed kinda awkwardly. She had a look of pure pain on her face. She looked younger like that. What happened to the tough Tris I saw on the roof?

   Four gave her a concerned  look. "It's ok" she says between pained gasps "I'm ok". He didn't look convinced. Then he did something that made almost everyone burst out laughing but then look at the cute sight in awe. He scooped her out of the net and carried her bridal style towards the entrance to a narrow tunnel. "Four! put me down right now!" She yelled in protest. Her face was a deep scarlett. Well, I never thought I'd see Tris like this. Then again, with the my first impression of her I was surprised to see her in pain, vulnerable. She kept on yelling at him."Four, Please put me down. I'm fine, alright." He shook his head.

" Sure you are." He said chuckling 

" Stop it! You're embarrassing me in front of the initiates...Even Lauren and Uriah are laughing. Do you see them there, giggling in the corner." He shook his head again.

" Isn't it in the job description to embarrass the co-instructor at any time possible?"

"What! No! You got it all wrong! It was to scare the initiates at any time possible."  Four suddenly stops at the entrance to the tunnel.

"Oh well, Hey! Uriah, Can you take over for me while I bring Tris to the infirmary?" 

"Sure."  A voice said. I turned towards the direction from where I heard the voice. So, that was Uriah. He had dark tanned skin and his smile looked pure white in comparison. He was leaning against the wall, next to a girl who I assumed was Lauren. She had dark hair, an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing and her ear is pierced from top to bottom. A wide smile graced her features. 

"I've been wanting to go solo for a while now." Uriah says with a chuckle. Four nodded and proceeded down the tunnel, ignoring Tris' complaints. We wait. For what? I'm not really sure and that same painful silence took place. God! I couldn't stand it!

"Soo," I say and everyone looks at me. I feel selfconsious and I I'm pretty sure I'm slightly blushing. "Why are we waiting." I ask. 

"Well, We're going down the same tunnel as Tris and Four." Uriah says 

"And?" all the Erudite groan and look at me. Victor gets out of line to stand in front of me.

"We are waiting because tunnels have echos."

"And?" I say getting annoyed that i'm not getting any straight answers.

"Any smart person would know that we're probably going to hear Tris yelling at Four whlie we're down there! Do you really want to hear that!?"

"Well no but, you can't blame me for being slightly stupid. Cause I was brought up Amity style and most of the Amity aren't really smart."

"Whatever, I'm sure some of the Amity would've Known that!"  He says. Sadly, I can't quite think of a good come-back at the moment so my only option is to glare at him. He glares back and we stay like that for quite a long time. Nothing matters anymore. Not the painful silence, nor how everyone else is looking at us. The only thing that matters to me, is winning this staring contest 

 Sorry guys i'm gonna have to end it here. At least I updated. For those who don't know my brother erased this chapter right before I finished it so I had to rewrite it * glares at brother and throws him out the window* Well anyways hope you liked it. 


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