Chapter One

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Note: Thank you for the first five reads! New goal is 10 reads, then and ONLY then, will the next chapter be posted.))

Chapter One

*Morgan's POV*

I locked my aim on the beautiful creature- Well a bird actually- and waited for it to start flying, and when it did, I pressed down firmly.

"Aha!" I thought aloud, looking at the picture I had just taken,

The bird had been sitting on a branch, but when it flew up, it had its colorful wings spread open and it was only a cm (centimeter) away from the branch it was on.

I have to admit, I thought it was pretty good, that's my new favorite picture.

I let my HD Camera hang loosely around my neck.

I turned and made my way slowly out of the long flowery field, this would be a beautiful picture if someone was was just.. Gracefully -that's the word- walking through it.

I made my way out to the lovely streets of London, turning a few corners until I found my new favorite café and smiled at it.

I'm not from London I'm actually from Fargo.

Not my favorite place to be but it's home.

I'm currently on a school trip for my photography class, and so far I'm having a blast, it's such a great experience being here, in London, somewhere I've always wanted to go.

Okay I need to stop being so serious..

It's scaring me.

I opened the doors to the café and breathed in the heavenly sent of delicious foods and beverages.

I sat down at a table, alone of course, and brought my camera up from my neck, turning it on and looking over all the pictures I had taken today.

I hadn't noticed I'd been smiling at them until I heard a faint beeping in my pocket, I took my iPhone out and looked at the new notification, but soon noticing it was a reminder.

'Meet photography group @ 8am in local church xx'

Good thing it wasn't Sunday..

And good thing the church people persons let us use it for meetings everyday- Except Sunday of course.

I quickly got up and left, but not before buying myself a muffin and coffee.

I carefully hurried down the streets and found myself a few minutes late arriving to the church.

I went inside, embarrassed, since everyone had turned their attention towards me, "Morgan, your late," Mr. Dillon said, "I know! Im really sorry, I wanted a mwuffin." I said 'muffin' with a pout.

Mr. Dillon is like one the cool teachers, though he rather appreciates when students are on time, "It's okay," he said, "Just be here on time next time." he reminded, to which I nodded and took my seat.

I had no doubt my cheeks were flushed from embarrassed from everyone sating at me. I sunk down in my chair and bit my lip.

"Okay! So lets see the pictures you took today Ellie," The teacher said, Ellie, a good friend of mine, stood up and plugged her camera into the computer, which had a projector attached to it, so that you could see the pictures on a big screen.

She clicked a couple of things and finally all her newly taken pictures popped up, "This is my favorite, I was at a beach and took this beautiful picture of the sun rise." she explained smiling at the picture.

It was beautiful, I'm actually kind if jealous, though I was definitely happy with my birdie. :3

Usually for these things we have a choice, we can as many pictures as we want, or ask for more time to take some.

I think I'm just gonna show my birdie one today.

"Excellent work Ellie, ill be looking forward to seeing more." Mr. Dillon said, "Morgan, your up, show us what you got."

I stood up and plugged in my camera after Ellie had practically attacked the damn thing. I brought up my newly taken pictures and scrolled through them before clicking the birdie one.

It shall now be known as 'The Majestic Birdie Thing'.

"This is my favorite, I walking through a meadow, and saw this bird and thought I should take a picture of it, so I stood there for at least ten minutes before I finally got it, and that's how I wanted it to look and it's perfect." I explained happily.

"Amazing! It's beautiful Morgan, I expect beautiful pictures from you," Mr. Dillon said, "Thanks you,"

Now it was my turn to attack the plug before sitting back down.

"That really was a beautiful picture," Ellie said as she scooted towards me, the chair extremely loud in this quiet church.

"Thanks, I like yours better, but I'm still happy with mine," I replied.

She just smiled in appreciation and looked back at the teacher.

Remember, 10 reads! It would mean a lot, and I'm sorry if you don't like goals but I really want people to notice, cause it'll mean a WHOLE lot to me. Thank you


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