The bus ride

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The day of the field trip I woke up very excited. Since it was the first time in for ever that I was going to go out somewhere as a school. I know it really isn't that special since I always go out places with my family but there is something exciting about not going to school because they are taking you somewhere. I know it sounds stupid but I get myself.

I got ready and decided to put on a black skater skirt  and a blue blouse and surprisingly even put on a thin line of eyeliner on my eyelid.

As I walked downstairs my mother noticed me and she seemed please by how I looked.

"Good Morning, whats the special occasion?" she asked smiling.

"No special occasion mom I just wanted to look decent today." I replied returning the smile.

"I am glad you are finally coming to your senses, are you over your rebellious stage already?"

"It wasn't a rebellious stage mom, I am sorry but just because I wasn't doing what you wanted me to do doesn't mean I was being rebellious." I decided to stay calm because I was happy that my mom was in a good mood and so was I.

"Okay Okay well I wont ruin our mood since its been a while that we have gotten along this well." she said as if she was reading my mind.

I loved my mother and always cared about what she thought about me and I still do but, I wanted to start being my own person. I still respect her and I will always do what she says but a change of look isn't to bad and that truly didn't turned me into an awful daughter. After our conversation my whole family and I ate breakfast peacefully and then I was dropped off at school.

Since I took my time eating breakfast with my family there wasn't much time left for the first bell to ring so I decided to just go ahead and drink some water and wait by my classroom door. As I was drinking from the water fountain someone came behind me and decided to poke my ribs. After I stoped coughing due to the fact that I almost choked on my water I looked around to see who it was and of course it was Brandon standing behind me waiting to drink some water as well. When I started to walk away he said "bye Jasmine"

Remembering our bet I just smiled and kept walking away and he just decided to run after me.

"Just kidding, I guess your going to buy me lunch today right Zara?" He asked giving me a smirk.

"Seriously today out of all days you finally decided it was time to remember my name." I laughed.

"Yeah of course I did you said you were going to buy me lunch so I had to remember it"

"What ever." I rolled my eyes at him before I headed to class and before I reached the door the first bell finally rang.

When everyone was finally in class the teacher told us that they had to take roll before we headed to the buses. One by one he said our names and we replied "here". When he was finally finished he dismissed us and all the students headed to the buses that will take us to the festival. I decided to wait by the exit for Lucy so we can both sit in the bus together. When she finally came I greeted her with a big smile and a hug.

"Hey Lucy, do you think I can sit by the window on our way to the festival and you can ride by the window on our way back." I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course." She replied with a smile

Once we were on the bus me and Lucy had the best of luck since the one and only Brandon and Jason where sitting in the seat that was behind us. I decided to not acknowledge them due to the fact that I wanted to have a peaceful bus ride to our destination, but things never really go as planned. As soon as the bus started moving Brandon decided to bother me by poking my head and pulling my hair. I just kept trying to ignore him so I decided to put on my head phones and listen to some music.

Through out the whole ride he kept on trying to get my attention. After a while I got irritated so I turned around and asked him nicely if he could stop and to my surprise he did. He didn't say anything back but just smiled and winked at me. Then I turned around to face Lucy so I could talk to her.

"What is wrong with him he is so annoying he kept poking me and when I told him to stop he winked." I irritatingly told Lucy.

"Oh Zara, are you not smart enough to know that he's flirting with you?" She asked laughing

"Flirting what no he's just being annoying and why the hell would he flirt with me." I replied

"Zara it's totally obvious that he has a crush on you! I always see him trying to get your attention and play around with you."

"Shut up he does not like me and I don't think we would ever date he's cute and all but I don't really see myself in a relationship with him or anyone at this moment." I lied knowing that I had a small crush on Alexander.

"What ever you know you like him, you even admitted that he was cute! Come on you two would make such a cute couple."

"How many times is it going to take me to tell you that one He does not like me and two we are never going to date."

"Zara Zara Zara oh how dumb are you everyone who knows the two of you think you two should and will end up dating so just go ahead and make it happen."

"You know you and everyone else here is crazy. We've only all know each other for so long how can they even possibly come up with something so stupid." I said actually thinking about the idea. I mean he was cute and a pretty funny guy.. maybe they are right.. but heck I don't like him why in the hell would I end up dating him. Who even knows he doesn't even like me he probably just likes flirting around with anything that has two legs.

"Haha oh Zara watch your going to end up dating and I'm going to tell you that I told you so."

After our little conversation we just started laughing and decided to just keep listening to music. Then of course Brandon decided to keep pestering me so I decided to just go with it. The rest of the bus ride me, Lucy, Brandon and Jason just kept messing around and just laughing.

"Hey Zara give me your hand I want to show you magic trick." Said Brandon

"Oookaayyyyy." I said with a puzzled look.

Once I gave him my hand he just sat there and held it for a long time.

"Um what's the magic trick." I asked

"Oh no magic trick I just wanted to hold your hand." He smirked

"Oh my lord let go of me you idiot." I said and started to laugh nervously and sat back down in my seat with a small blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"I told you he liked you." Lucy said while laughing.

"What ever he does not." I said while looking out the window. Thank god we finally made it to the festival. As soon as the bus stopped and the chaperon told us we could get off the bus I dashed out of there holding Lucy's hand for her to catch up with me. I didn't want Brandon to catch up to us even though I didn't know if he even wanted to or not. I didn't want to be near him and just wanted to enjoy this trip.

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