Warped Tour (Alex Gaskarth)

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"Where is my AC/DC shirt?" You wondered aloud, looking around your cluttered room for the band tee. You were packing your bags and getting ready to go on the trip of a lifetime. Your brother Rian had asked you to be the merch girl for his band, All Time Low, all summer while they were on Warped Tour. You had helped your brother with merch before, but only for a few days while they were in your hometown. This was different. You found your AC/DC shirt in your dresser, and you rolled it up and put it into your bag, along with your other band t-shirts, shorts, Vans and underwear. Rian was picking you up in an hour, and you weren't even close to being ready.

After you finished packing your bag, you hopped into the shower, washed your red hair and body, and got out. You put on a pair of jeans and an All Time Low hoodie. You washed your face, and did your makeup, and by that time it was almost time for you to get picked up.

"Cass! Your ride is here!" Your mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. You grabbed your purse and bags, and ran down the stairs. You hugged your mom goodbye, and promised you would text her when the plane touched down in Phoenix, the first Warped spot. You walked outside to see a car, and a driver that wasn't your brother. The driver rolled down the window, and it was none other then Alex Gaskarth, the boy you've had a crush on for the last few months. The only person who knew about this was Rian, and you sensed that he had something to do with this. "Hey sorry about the driver switch, but your brother had to talk to Cassadee and he wasn't going to catch the same flight as us anymore." Alex said, as he popped the trunk and ordered you to put your things inside.

You got into the car, and looked at Alex. "It's okay." "How are you Cass? We haven't talked in a long time. Nice hoodie, by the way." He pointed at you and smirked. "I've been alright. I'm really glad it's summer!" I said, mentally scolding myself for how excited I sounded. "And thanks. I got it at your last show here, in the winter." I said. "Aha, that's awesome. And I've been good, thanks for asking." He said, in a smiling but sarcastic tone. You guys talked all the way to the airport, and ended up sitting by each other on the plane. Alex fell asleep on your shoulder, and you ended up taking an Instagram picture of you two and tagging him in it. Within a few minutes, there were hundreds of comments asking if you were dating. You laughed at some of the ship names, and then put your phone away, and fell asleep as well. 

(A month later)

You were sprawled out on the couch of the All Time Low bus, waiting for the guys to come back with burritos. You were watching Dance Moms, your guilty pleasure tv show. You heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and sure enough, Jack hobbled on to the bus, holding 2 bags from Chipotle. You immediately got up and dove at him, trying to grab one of the bags. "Ah ah, Cass, you have to wait for everyone else." Jack said, setting the bags down and washing his hands. You also washed your hands, and when you were done, Alex, Rian and Zack had come on to the bus.

Alex walked over to you, put his arms around your waist, and kissed you. "Hi." He said, after you broke apart. "Hi." You said, blushing. Yes, you and Alex started dating about a week into the tour. He told you that he liked you one night, and then you went on a date, and he asked you to be his girlfriend. You still got butterflies everytime you two kissed or held hands. Alex grabbed his burrito and yours, and asked you to join him in the back lounge. 

He closed the door behind you, and sat down next to you. "Is everything okay?" You asked. "Yes. Everything is more than okay, it's amazing. Being with you has been so great, and I think..." He stopped mid-sentence. "I think I'm in love with you, Cass." He said. "I'm in love with you too, Alex." You said. He scooted closer to you, and then you kissed. After you broke apart, you realized you squished Alex's burrito in between your bodies. "Shit. Now I have to eat a squished burrito." He said. You laughed and leaned into his shoulder, thankful to have someone like Alex as your boyfriend. 

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