5. Bar Fights

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"Tell me what the hell this is about. Now," Baekhyun snarled right into my ear as he held me sandwiched between a wall and his own body. His hand gripped my throat, and he let out a low, aggressive growl that went right into my bones.

"She doesn't know anything," Jongdae tried to defend me from where he was standing a few feet away.

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that," he spit, tightening his grip around my throat. His razor-sharp fangs showed as he bared his teeth at me.

"If you continueth like this, the lady will end up as my cousin in here," Kai remarked, innocently. He probably wouldn't mind if I died in the bar, keeping him ever-lasting company. But I had other plans. In return, I opened my mouth, hissing at Baekhyun with my own sharp fangs. He remained unimpressed, his face inches from mine.

"You and your little friends will pay for those deaths," he breathed, his tone dripping with hatred.

"I would have killed you on that rooftop if I really wanted you and your pack dead," I growled between gritted teeth. He seemed to think for a second.

"Georgina is just as surprised as we all are, Baekhyun," Minseok tried to calm the wolf. With an annoyed growl, he shoved me to the side, throwing me onto the hard floor. He sighed, walking over to the bar where he downed another shot of alcohol. While he ran his hand through his deep brown locks in frustration, he glared at me in a belligerent way.

"This is not how you should treat your life-savor," I gnarled. He laughed in irony.

"Trust me, I had no problem with dying right there. But you know what? I've changed my mind. I'm going to find your little blood-sucking friends. I'm going to rip off every last of their heads and burn their dead bodies," he threatened. I almost jumped at him again. Instead, I growled loudly, my fangs flashing in the dim light.

"Come on, Baekhyun. Let's go get some sleep," Chanyeol suddenly interrupted our fight. My blood still pulsed in my ears when the enraged wolf went with his friend in hesitation. Chanyeol had a small flat, only accessible through a back door of the bar, for which I was thankful. I couldn't bare seeing the werewolf another second.

"You two have some major anger management issues," Jongdae stated calmly as ever. As he followed Minseok to the exit of the lounge, he collected the little orange sparks from the ceiling, leaving the bar in dim lighting once again.

"The sun's already up. Looks like you have to stay," Minseok spoke. Then, he sent me a rather exaggerated kiss from the door, making me grin. Wizards were truly dramatic. "Tomorrow we'll see Luhan. Please try to stay alive until then. And I'm also referring to Baekhyun."

With those words, he left, Jongdae after him. I admired Chanyeol's modern, beautifully furnished flat. On days which Baekhyun wasn't present inside of it. Other days I almost called it my home. I swore myself I would not set foot onto the flat's ground tonight, so I simply stayed in the lounge. I would have to wait for hours, unless the weather would decide to worsen, or for me, better. Clouds, if especially heavy, allowed me to even walk the streets during sun hours. I was already thinking of activities that would kill time quickly. Night and days could get rather long when you never got a break from being awake.

First, I decided to call Sehun, updating him and Junmyeon on what had occurred tonight. Afterward I called Kyungsoo. Why not let him know too? Next, I spent my time talking to Yixing in his mirror, listening to his old stories from a time when even I hadn't been born yet. At some point I got the idea of cleaning the glasses in Chanyeol's bar. After I had smashed two of them, I stopped. I had decided that dirty glasses were still better than no glasses at all. To my defense, handling such things when I hadn't drank a proper drink in a hundred years wasn't my brightest idea. The remaining time I spent laying on a table and watching Kai swing from one chandelier to another. Just like me, the ghost never seemed to run out of energy.

A/N: If you have any ideas who the killers could be, tell me your guesses!

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