8. Night Encounters

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It was around 9 pm when we left the flat and entered the 'normal' world again. I was ready to roam the streets on my own, watching as the lights behind the windows went out one by one until there were barely any left. 4 am was my favorite time. When most of the population was asleep, I visited Sehun and Junmyeon, swam under one of our five bridges or rode my motorbike along empty highways. My fingers tingled in excitement.

We entered the elevator. On reflex, I pushed the button that would bring us to the bottom floor. Baekhyun had the same thought. When his warm skin touched my cold one, I pulled my hand away in the blink of an eye. It had felt like electricity that had traveled through my entire body in a millisecond. We stared at each other for a second, but neither of us growled. I hated the feeling and almost did flash my fangs at him. Then, for some reason I stopped myself. Instead, I spoke.

"So, how does it feel to have accused my kind when we were innocent all along?"

"Don't tell me you didn't think it could've been one of yours for just a split second. I know how much you hate us," Baekhyun spat back. "Many of you wouldn't mind all of us werewolves gone, you included."

"Wow, calm down," I replied. "I never said anything about that. I don't want you dead, not all of you, at least."

"Oh, how noble of you," he replied, annoyed. I recalled our story. Or at least the one I was taught. Vampires and werewolves had fought endless wars. Over who was the superior, over food, over territory. At some point their leaders had decided on peace. It didn't run through all our blood, though. Secretly, our species kept hating each other. Now and then, fights broke out, but no more real wars.

"I'm sure, somewhere, far away, in a land I'll never visit, lives a decent werewolf. Too bad I'll never meet them so they can change my opinion of you," I said.

"That's sweet. I've given up on you leeches long ago. You simply have no heart," Baekhyun said. I wanted to rip off his head.

"Will you two ever shut up?" Kyungsoo threw in, just as the elevator doors opened.

For the sake of Kyungsoo, I closed my mouth. Although I still had a lot to say. The island wasn't big, so we decided to head back the same way. I was going to find my motorbike, I had decided. Unluckily, I had forgotten where I had last left it. That's the trouble of not having my own home, I reminded myself and sighed.

"I hope you're not planning on staying outside tonight," Kyungsoo said, when we had walked a few minutes.

"Can you read my thoughts or something?" I answered, relaxed.

"Georgie!" Kyungsoo warned me. He acted as if I was a little child. I knew how to defend myself. And if I couldn't fight them, I could still run. There was no being faster than vampires on earth.

"I appreciate your worry, but you know me. I always get out alive," I stated.

"No one lives forever. Not even the immortal," Baekhyun said in a monotone voice. He didn't sound malicious. I was surprised.

"How poetic," I replied, grinning sarcastically. "But I'm not planning on leaving this world any time soon."

"Why don't you just listen to us for once? We care about your safety," Kyungsoo huffed in frustration. He knew he wasn't going to stop me and my obstinacy. Baekhyun laughed at the 'we' quietly, but didn't comment anything. He was acting weird. I realized I hated not bickering with him just as much as I hated doing it. For some reason I felt frustrated.

When we turned into a narrow but long street, I noticed the lack of light instantly. The street lamps weren't working. The next second I sped in front of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, stopping them from walking with outstreched arms. They were still wondering when I lowered my body behind a car. Without hesitation, they followed my example and crouched down next to me. I saw Baekhyun's mouth open. Before he had the chance to say something stupid, I covered it with my hand. His eyes inspected my hand on his mouth as if he had never seen one before. Quickly I took it away, wiping it on Chanyeol's sweater. Kyungsoo glared at us, one brow raised.

Before he could say anything I nodded my head towards the street. Soundlessly, we lifted our heads, looking down the road. Around 30 meters away, a figure stood. The physique told me it was a man, but his back was turned our way. His looks weren't the reason I had stopped the two men anyway. The stranger was holding a lifeless body of a woman without problem. His head was lowered to her neck. Ugly noises told me he was eating. Eating her flesh. I secretly hoped I didn't sound the same when feeding.

Interested, I walked along the car, getting a little closer. I knew every single vampire in my town. This was not one of them. But then, vampires didn't eat humans.

"Let's get out of here," Kyungsoo requested. "You don't look different feeding. What makes you so interested?"

I was almost offended that he had compared me to such a messy eater. Then, I lay my fingers on my lips. The man had heard us. Or at least something, because he quickly spun around, searching the dark street. What we saw then made us all speechless.

A/N: I'M SO SORRY GEORGIE IS SO GROSS TO BAEKHYUN I PROMISE IT WILL GET BETTER ASDFGHJ He's my ult bias so please don't think I agree with any of that lol 

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