Chapter 2

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Yugi's P.O.V.

         "W-Who are you? Wh-What are you?" I asked, in awe. They glanced at each other before the pale boy stepped forward and helped me up.

         "I'm Yami Sennen," he said, smiling softly. His twin stepped forwards.

         "Atem Sennen. His brother," he said, shaking my hand. I smiled. Then brunet stepped forwards.

         "Jaden Yuki," he said, waving. I nod, smiling. The next one in line stepped up.

         "Yusei Fudo," he said. I nodded. The pink one stepped forwards next.

         "Yuma Tsukumo," he said, smiling widely. I smiled, and, having regained a hand, I waved.

         "And I'm Yuya Sakaki," the tomato said, smiling. I waved.

         "Hi! I'm Yugi Muto!" I said. They nod.

         "As for what we are..." Yami paused, collecting his thoughts. "None of us really remember. We just know that we have souls...I think." There are nods.

         "And that during the day we have to change back until we figure out what happened to us," Atem sighs. "But we don't know where to start. Or what to do."

         "Hey, don't worry. Come on I'll help you. And in the meantime, you can stay at my place. Come on." There are thank yous and they follow.


         In the morning they've turned back to the dolls. Of course. How am I going to explain this to Heba and Grandpa!?

         Sighing, I pick them all and stuff them into my backpack for safe keeping. Maybe something at school'll help. In the meantime, I am not leaving them unsupervised.

         As I arrive downstairs I hear Heba's complaints. He usually isn't a morning person, and school starts at eight. So, Grandpa always wakes him up at six so he can guarantee Heba'll be awake. Unfortunately, that means he has to deal with Heba for two hours. Giggling softly, I walk to the table, popping bread into the toaster as I go.

         "Hello," I smile as I sit down. Grandpa looks at and smiles. Heba, who has face-planted onto his plate, sticks thumb up.

         "Well, hello my boy. How did you sleep last night?" Grandpa asks cheerfully. I smile.

         "Fine," I lie through my teeth, leaning back and setting my bag down. Heba finally sits up.

         He looks like me: Star-shaped hair, bangs framing his cherubic face. Bright amethyst eyes glittering. But, like Yami and Atem, while I am pale, he's tan. He studies my face.

         "Yugi, are you sure? You look like you were up all night," Heba said. I nod and hide a yawn.

         "Yeah, Heebs. I'm fine," I lie again. He squints, suspicious. "I slept fine. I just always look tired." He sighs.

         "Fine," he said. Then he signs in the secret sign language that we came up with secretly: 'Tell me on the way to school.' I sigh and nod. He sits back, satisfied.

         I grab my toast and wave goodbye to Grandpa, grab my bag and Heba's. Heba stands up reluctantly and heads out the door. And we start off towards school.

         When we were a block away, Heba turned to me.

         "Okay, spill. What's happening?" Heba asked, grabbing his bag. Sighing, I recount the events of last night and grab Atem from the bag. Heba's eyes widen.

         "Heba, this is Atem. Atem, this is my brother Heba," I said. Atem frees himself and walks over to Heba.

         "Hello, Heba," he said, smiling. Heba's eyes widen further and he grabs Atem in a hug. I giggle softly.

         "Keep him for the day. But I do have to warn you he goes human during the day," I chuckle. Heba smiles and nods, slipping Atem into his backpack. Yami peeks out of the bag, and peers over my shoulder.

         "Yugi...who is that?" Yami whispers softly into my ear. I smile.

         "Yami, that's my brother Heba. He'll be taking care of Atem for now," I said. Yami smiled contently and slips back into the bag. And off we go to school.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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