Meet Topaz

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The carmera glitches on to a room. 

A young girl who looks about 14 with long silky white hair with orange tips at the body and wearing a dress covered in blossom prints.  Her snowy blue eyes look into the camera. "Kon'nichiwa watashi wa Topazudesu"  She says.  "What...?"  Arche's voice questions behind the camera.  Topaz sighs.  "I said Hello I am Topaz."  "Ok!  Also why do you always speak in Japanese most of the time?"  Topaz groans "I'm more comfortable talking in Japanese than English.  You should now this."  Her voice is sterned as she glares at Arche.  "Mkay so tell the camera a bit about yourself."  Topaz rolls her eyes.  "Mā, watashi wa takusan no ritaia to issho ni sunde irushi, anata mo hitobito ga watashi ga Nihon ni hanasu no o ukeirenaishi, watashi ga eigo o hanasu koto ga dekinainode, watashi wa shinpai shite iru hitodesu. Watashi wa jēmusu to issho ni asobu no mo sukidesuga, mada kare ni shōkai shite inai. Watashi mo tabemono o taberu no ga sukide, hito o nayamasu no mo tanoshīdesu! Watashi wa hontōni jōshi o kiratte imasu. Nazenara, kare wa fuwafuwa-sa ga okurete irukaradesu. Watashi wa kono basho o hanarete, anata ga subete ikite iru koto o wasurete inai riyū wa wakarimasen."  "What does that mean?"  "You are too young to know. Now, Darekaga watashi o kono basho kara dasa sete kureru dake tasuketekudasai."  Arche giggles "I'm gonna take that as please get out of my room Topaz bye!!!"  The camera shuts off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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