Hard work

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It's not easy being an emoji, running from phone screen to phone screen, having to pose in the same position all day, on some random teenagers phone screen. There are zillions of emojis, no emoji is the same, regardless of how we look, we all have different personalities. For example, the crying emoji can have a very happy personality, but their appearance is sad/crying (obviously) But as I was saying, there's zillions of the same emojis, cause we need enough to appear on every phone owners phone. The only rest emojis get is when the phone owners are asleep. But we have to be on duty BEFORE they wake up, and if we fail to do our jobs properly, we get demoted, and being demoted means, being one of those emojis nobody likes or uses. And then you just sit on someone's phone screen in the emoji section waiting forever to be selected. It's quite awful. Now it's time for me to answer some questions submitted by some child emojis,

Jannette: (Age) 12
(Emoji type) Cat
Dear, Rick. I'm a huge fan of your television show, and your magazines. My question for you is what happens when a human drops their phone and it cracks/breaks.

That's an excellent question Jannette! When a human drops their phone and it cracks, but it still operates fine, the emojis are likely to be injured, if they're severely injured, we switch them out with a replica, we don't like to use replicas cause they look kind of fake, luckily for us. Humans aren't that intelligent, so most of the time they won't notice anything, especially if the screen is cracked.
What happens if the phone breaks? If the phone breaks the emojis are dead, being an emoji is a very risky life style.

Thank you Jannette for submitting your question, we hope to hear more from you!

That's all the questions we have time for today!
Tune in to EmojiWorld Network news tomorrow!

How was that Crystal? "Great!" She replies.

"ATTENTION ALL EMOJIS, THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT, it's 4:40 AM in the human world, take your places and be ready for the humans to start using you!"

The emojis leave the EmojiWorld Network and drive to the official Emoji office, traffic is very busy with all these emojis driving to the same office, for the SAME Job.

All the emojis get out of their cars and walk into the official emoji office and take their positions, the position all the emojis are in now, is the same position they will be in for 24 hours.

It's not easy be an emoji Where stories live. Discover now