Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Rose smiled as she stepped out onto the porch and saw her husband and daughter. Marston had saddled Kaitlyn's gentle mare, Chocolate, with the children's saddle that he had spent countless hours polishing until it shone.

Lucy was sitting proudly atop that saddle as she clung to the saddle horn and her short legs gripped the mare's sides. "Am I doing good, papa?" she asked, her voice the tiniest bit shaky.

Marston smiled up at her looking just about as proud as a man could look. "You're doing better than I've ever seen a first timer do, nugget," he replied as he led the mare around by her halter.

Duke sat on a bucket beside the barn polishing reins. "Maybe you should have started her on a pony her size."

"No kid of mine will ever get their start on a pony," Marston assured him.

"Yeah I don't need some tiny pony," Lucy agreed, poking out her chest. "This big horse will do just fine."

Rose saw the next event coming before it happened and laughed behind her hand. Pete came sneaking up behind Chocolate and winked at Marston. "Boo!" he hollered as he reached out and tickled Lucy's side.

The girl squealed and lost her grip on the saddle. She slid sideways and tumbled right into Pete's waiting arms. "Pete!" she screeched with a giggle as she fought against him. "You're nothing but a pain in my backside!"

Pete was laughing as he sat her on her feet. "I brought candy."

When he pulled the peppermint sticks from his pocket, her entire demeanor changed. She batted her lashes up at him and twirled her dark curls around her finger. "You're my favorite."

Pete laughed harder and handed the little con artist her candy. She took off giggling toward the house with her prize in hand. "That little traitor," Marston grumbled. He turned his attention to Pete. "What brings you this way?"

"Your daughter wanted to come for a visit," Pete replied, tipping his head toward Kaitlyn who was waiting beside their cart with had hands folded.

Marston motioned for her and she came to him with a smile. "Nice of you to finally come for a visit. I guess four days ain't too long to avoid your pa," he grumbled as he pulled her into a hug.

"You're in town quite a bit yourself," she reminded him gently as she pulled away.

Marston shrugged and busied himself picking at a knot in the horse's mane. "Don't seem right to interrupt a couple of newlyweds."

"Pa, you know you're always welcome," Kaitlyn assured him and he nodded.

The truth was, he didn't stop in because he didn't want to risk walking in on something that would make him have to kill Pete. Kaitlyn and Pete now lived in Doctor Rankin's old house. Doctor Rankin had retired and he and Blanche had moved south for warmer winters.

Kaitlyn was now the town doctor and she'd been accepted quickly. It had surprised Kaitlyn and Marston didn't tell her about his threats to every person in town who might dare say his daughter couldn't be a doctor simply because she was a woman.

He figured there were some perks that came with having a pa like him and his children might as well enjoy them.

"Well come on! It's good to have you all here just in time for lunch. Let's go eat," Rose called happily from the porch.

An approaching horse caused everyone to stop. "That looks like Jeremiah," Duke said as he stood and stretched out his back.

Marston nodded. "That is Jeremiah."

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