The Demise Of Isabeth

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This is not really shipping. It is something that came to me in the dark hours of a late night.


Hope had been watching the clock since she had gotten home from the bar that night. She had woken up at the same time she always did that day. Eaten the same breakfast as usual. Walked into the weapons warehouse on time. Left the warehouse late. Even ordered the same drink as usual at her favorite bar. Yet something was off.

Ian had been reading a book on the couch when she got home and it was quiet enough to drop a pin. The apartment was the same as she had left it, too. Today was as normal as Hope's life got. Minus one person. Isabeth.

On a good day, Isabeth got home before Hope did. On a bad day, Isabeth would call and lightly sob into the receiver. But neither had happened. And the mute girl was no where to be found.

"Hey!" Hope shouted at Ian close to midnight. "We have to go look for her!!"

Ian scoffed and rolled his translucent brown eyes. "Why do you care for that thing, anyway?" He rose to his feet only to get slapped hard across the face.

"Look angel-boy. I've been very patient with you but I swear you call her anything profane again, you'll beg for hell's gates to let you in." Hope growled, grabbing Ian by the collar. "We're going to go look for her, 'kay?"

Ian groaned. "She's right behind you."

Dropping Ian's collar, Hope turned to see the small frail figure of Isabeth shivering in a plain off-white sundress. "Isabeth.." Hope said in a rare warm and welcome voice she'd only ever used when referring to the mute girl. "You had me worried sick, sugar."

To Hope's surprise, there was a gun in Isabeth's hands and slowly raising it the girl pointed the barrel to her chin. "Beth... Beth no... That's not a toy." Hope cooed softly. She looped behind Isabeth and pried the gun out her hands, stroking the self harm scars on her arms. "Isabeth. It's time you went to bed."

Isabeth nodded slowly, practically stumbling into a bedroom. "Good girl..." Hope purred hoarsely. Taking hold of a bottle of vodka, Hope crawled into bed with Isabeth under her arm. "Sweet dreams, darling." She whispered as the mute girl snuggled close.


It was probably near six am or maybe closer to five before Hope felt the small warm figure curled under her arm grow cold. Instinctively, she rolled over to hug the thing closer. "Little Bethy..." she had mumbled.

In a dead silent room a small ghostlike voice murmured back, "Lisanna..."

Hope's eyes had snapped open in that instant, her arms feeling a small gushing liquid pour over them and the figure growing colder by the second. Unable to breathe a word, she sat straight up and held Isabeth's lifeless body by her head tenderly. "Wha- A-" In the dark Hope just barely made out the glint of a knife in Isabeth's chest. "No..." she began to sob. "No, no, no, no... Isabeth.. Ian!!" Hope pulled Isabeth's body up into her arms, groaning slightly as she tried to use magic. Some piece of herself shred apart a little in a loud ripping noise as she feebly whimpered, "Cu- Curaga-"

Ian burst into the room to yank Hope away from Isabeth's body before the spell was cast. "Lisanna, no!" He held Hope down kicking and screaming. "You can't use magic! Just..." Ian let his gaze fall on the dull gray eyes of Isabeth. "By the angel.."

Violently sobbing louder and louder, Hope twisted in Ian's grip. "Isabeth... Isabeth.." Everything inside Hope grew gushy and just broke. "Beth... Isabeth. Don't. No. DON'T LEAVE ME!!"


....this was not okay. ;~;

Since I admin all the pages involved I'll just leave off the citations. I know what I've done..

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