Melanie's Pov
i woke up to the sun shinning in my face laying halfway off the bed. the room i was assigned to wasn't that bad. Rather spacious if you ask me.i sat up and stretched letting out a few yawns then looked at the time.8:30. that ment i had a nice half hour before i tend to my duties here as being one of Augusts "personal" maids. first i were to make him breakfast and simply tidy his room while he showers then lotion him. an older women named Christa would dress him while i went out to prepare lunch a small snack tomorrows would be slightly different because i would have to wait until after he came from his jog with Cameron to follow/ watch him. now I'm gonna be a little honest Mr august ( other wise known as chresanto) was a rather wealthy man. he also had looks too. even though i really didnt get to get a real good look of the man he sure had some curly ass hair and plump lips with a nice golden caramel complexion. as my thoughts ran wild my shorts began to dampen. i looked at the clock 8;45 i had 15 minutes to get dressed and do my hair so i guess i could squeeze in some me time. i closed my eyes and slid my hand into my shorts...
as i closed my door and tied the bow around my waist i started for the kitchen amazed at how quickly i got there. the head chef romulio greeted me.
"hola senorita... eh how did tu sleep" his broken English made me smile.
" it was nice and yours?' i questioned back only to see him respond in a smile.
" well for your first day i thought it would be nice for me to show you the kitchen and how it works," " well since i wont always be here ill show you where you can find certain iteams"
i nodded and thanked him. i was also relieved that he said all of that in English because I'm not big in the Spanish language.
I carefully carried the heavy full tray of plates of food up to mr. Augusts room making sure I didn"t drop anything. I sat the tray down by the door and knocked on his door.
"Mr. august sir?"
No response. I turned the knob and picked up the tray and entered the room slowly then closed to door behind me with my foot. I sat the tray down on his dresser and found him dozed off in his bed.
"I'm up" he groaned.
"Good morning," I said trying to start conversation as I brought the tray to the side of his bed and sat bedside his California King.
He sat up and stretched then put his hand over his face " it was nice what about yours," he smirked and grabbed a strawberry off the plate of delectably juicy fruits. the noises of him sucking and biting on the big berry. A fleck of juice from the fruit flew on his arm. he smiled and raised his arm and licked it slowly. I guess he noticed I was staring so he flexed while doing so. after his well played act he got up to go brush his teeth and returned back to the bed.
"Today you have an omelette to your liking hopefully with a stack of pancakes a side of bacon / hash browns with a bowl of fruit and fat free vanilla yogurt with granola crumbs," I smiled out of breath
"I'll go with the omelette first," he then reached for the remote and turned on his 92 inch flat screen tv and put on some cartoons. As he did so I started to cut his omelette and squirted some ketchup on the side and put a few slices of bacon and a hash brown on his plate then handed it to him. He nodded then went to watching tv.
"Orange juice milk or water," I asked picking up a glass.
"Orange juice for now"
I poured the tangy fluid into his glass and handed it to him. he took a large gulp and continued eating. I watched as his eyes were glued to the tv then smiled which faded when my stomach lowly growled. he turn around with a half mouth full of hash brown and bacon and looked at me. I could feel my cheeks getting rosey red and looked at the ground.
"You hungry?" he asked " here " he took one of the extra plates and put a few pancakes on the plate and handed it to me. I shook my head.
"I can't I'm not allow-" he cut me off by saying
" Melanie it's ok ik your hungry"
I sighed he was right all I had this morning was a slice if raisin bread so I took the plate and began to cut my pancakes
"I wanna see you eat that too if I not ...imma gonna put you down and force you" he smirked and winked at me. I took the syrup and poured it over the cakes then put a piece in my mouth
"Happy" I said while sticking out my tongue.
"Well you know it's not polite to talk with your mouth full" he frowned
As I out another in my mouth I flipped him the finger and chewed it thoughtfully.
"That's $80 from your check" he smiled
I looked at him shocked
"I'm kidding im kidding damn"
I rolled my eyes and layed back as we watched hey Arnold.
After a half hour of eating and fooling around it was time for his shower. I collected our plates and put then back on the tray by the door.
"Okay now it's time for your shower" I said rubbing some crumbs off my shirt
He groaned loudly
"What's the matter Afriad of a little soap and water"😏
He looked at me funny "nah never that"
"Then let's go christa is supposed to be here in 25 mins come on"
Mr august pulled me on his lap and pushed my hair to one side of my body. "Make me" he said as his big plump lips made contact with my neck. I moaned a bit trying not to give in. I felt his smile on my neck when my moans became louder then he stopped and got up leaving me on his bed and grabbing his towel.
Now the question is.. are you Afriad of a little soap and water?"