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      The town lingered with various amounts of people. Dwindling from the ages of 80 to the wee age of 2 months. One differing from the bubbling ora that each casted.

      Mothers wondered around the area,prancing around with babies in
their papooses made of soft,white cotton. Maids beat blankets right against window pains and hung clothes,making sure not to leave a indication of a slight wrinkle.

Bakers filled the warm air with the resilience of danish and french bread. Others skipping along the pebbled road with baskets,while horse carriages clambered by.

Laughter coming from a group of children,playing tag. Their father waiting for mother to buy vegetables.

"Ah,what a day to wake up to. The town lively as usual.",A young man ran to his window from his bed and swung it open.

Towns people waved up at him and chanted his name. The son of a family bookstore,catering to the town for 234 years. He waved back and smiled,letting out a lighthearted smile.

"Look everyone,it's Sir.Seokjin greeting us this lovely time of day. How ya go?",A baker took off his hat and smiled back.

      As he almost replied back,a knock ringed into his ears,from downstairs.This startled him a bit,but he quickly came back to his senses and got set.

      "I'll talk to you later,baker sir. I have some important business to attend to.",Seokjin closed his windows off and put his shoes and some clothes on,with his hat.




      He held onto his hat and slid down the stair rail. The door approached,stopping him in his tracks. Looking at the doorknob,he squeezed it and creaked it open to a unfamiliar person.

      "Welcome to the Kim family bookstore. What lovely books would you like to purchase,or have us find today?",The young man casted a smile,as he leaned against the door.

      "Could you find something precious for me? It's a matter of life and death for me.",A malnourished woman,let out her hand,shaking.

      She wore a purple robe,a hood covering her face. Blonde hair sticked out,her nails black. Surly a person not from thus town.

      "Are you okay,maim? C-come in.",He stuttered grabbing her arm and using his right to motion her inside.

      "Don't worry about me!!!!Worry about what I have to ask you to do.",She yanked her arm back with her other,hiding it back in her purple robe.

      The woman pulled off her hood and gave him a paper from her robe. Old as he seemed,she could of been between her late 60s to her early 70s.

      'How in god's name is her hair not grey,but so lively blonde?'

      Seokjin read the paper and placed a hand over his mouth. Alas,what he read counter played his own judgement.

      'Who in god's name could believe such a thing?'

      A beast living in the far outskirts of the forest. No one ever to be found,once they travel to his mansion. Inevitably ravenously killed in one go or eaten alive by his beastly nature.

      "Don't believe me,eh. What if I told you that he is holding your brother captive at his mansion? Would you definitely fulfill my request?",The old woman let out a weak chuckle,coughing out blood.

      "With what proof,do you have of my brother's disappearance?",He crumbled the paper,clenching his teeth.

      "He volunteered to kill the beast,in return to make the family a part of the royal family of New Bangtan.",She came close to him and tugged at his white shirt,poking his face with her other hand.

      "I'll do it. I'll fulfill your request.",The young man stook his hand out,as he waited for the old woman to shake his.

      "There's just one catch.",She shook his hand back,smirking.

      Seokjin got confused about her sudden change in emotions. Her voice got deeper in tone. In a sinister way,up to something uncanny. Whatever it was,he wanted to save his brother,if still possible.

      "You have to take the beast's diary,kept in his room.",She veered into his brain,as he looked into her deep blue eyes.

      'Wait. How does she know where he keeps his book?'


      The old,blonde woman in a purple robe was gone. Nowhere to be found,as she never even meant to exist in the first place.

Boy And The Beast = = Namjin Where stories live. Discover now