Part six

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I'm so so so so so (she continued for the next 6 years) sorry for not posting, I was suuuuper busy and barely had any time to do anything and I kinda sorta forgot about Wattpad, plz don't kill me lol. Again I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry. Anyways, ONWARDS TO THE STORY!!!

I'm back.

(Rains POV) I woke up half asleep and thoroughly confused as I heard footsteps down stairs, and what sounded to be....sliding and grunting? What? Now fully awake and alert I peeked around the corner.

OH MA GOODNESS GRACIOUS. There was a man in my kitchen trying to move the fridge. Da heck is this? I grabbed a metal curtain rod from my room and slowly as quietly as I could snuck up behind him and lifted my hand, ready to swing when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. "Uh, I don't think so little girl" he said in a gruff voice that sent shivers down my spine. I looked up at his face to have my mind thoroughly and completely blown. IT WAS CASPER FRIKIN KING. The murder on the news! In my kitchen, aware of my presence. I would handle this the way a smart girl would in any Webtoon comic ever (not sponsored) I stared him straight in the eyes, and punched him straight in the face with my other fist. It was clumsy so I only got his grip to loosen a bit. So I ripped my arm away and swung with the rod. It made a sickening THWACK sound as he layer on a heap on the ground. Ummmm how did I just do that? I stood there in shock until I heard Chris breathing rapidly and staring wide eyed at the man "that's-that's him! He imprisoned m-me for a year" he shakily said. I scooped him up and said, "I'm calling the police" he nodded and sat down on my hand.
I waited for them to answer after I dialed 911 until there was a stinging plan in my leg that made me collapse. I held Cris in a closed fist close to my chest before I fell, after I hit the ground I looked at my leg that was bleeding from a slash wound. "Run" I told Chris after I opened my fist, he looked terrified but obligated. "You shouldn't have done that you stupid *****" he said with fire in his eyes as he swiped at my face. I rolled over but still got a cut on my cheek as it skimmed my face. I looked back at him and swiped under his legs, causing to fall to the ground and drop his knife. I snatched it and winced as I stood up. "You really going to use that?" He chuckled mockingly, "do you even know how to use a knife girlie?" He said smirking now. I hesitated, he was right I didn't know how to use a knife. But I did now how to outsmart him. I giggled slightly, and lifted my head slightly, "Mr.King, of all people I thought you would know..." I trailed of expertly. He raised his eyebrow looking confused, perfect "didn't you hear?" I said as I looked at him intently with what I hoped looked like insanity. "Why, I'm your daughter" I said with a stone cold voice. He's totally going to fall for it. "What?! No your not!!" He said getting defensive. "Oh really? How many women have you left?" I said looking him dead in the eye with no emotion at all". He looked at me in terror and confusion as I kept on staring. I found my opportunity, I hit him as hard as I possibly could on the temple with the curtain rod. I watched as his body slumped down. "Chris I did it! I tricked him and I'm a great actor if I do say so myself" I said as I picked the phone up again and dialed again. "What is your emergency"? The voice on the other end of the line asked.
~le magical glittery time skiiiiiip~
I was drove to the hospital with Chris in my pocket and nurses asking my questions about where I was hurt, did he touch me, was the knife Bloody or dirty while he attacked me, and so on. I refused to take my hoodie off because Chris was in there. After they drove my home from the hospital realizing I had no serious injuries, I let Chris walk onto my palm and curl up in a ball. I pulled my hand up to my face and studied Chris, his eyes were still wide and he was shaking. I felt really bad so I asked, "do you want to sleep in my room on my bedside table or something? You don't have to if you don't want to.." I said hesitantly. He thought about it for a few seconds then nodded his head yes, I set him in the bathroom while I changed in my room. I then took one of my pillows and set it on the bedside table as a mattress with a little piece of cloth for a blanket and then went back and got Chris out of the bathroom. I set him down on the table, he pulled the cover over him as he looked at me and said "I don't know how you knocked that guy out, but thank you so much for saving me" he said smiling. "It was only one little murderer, no problem" I said with sarcastic cockiness. "Goodnight Rose" "goodnight Chris" we said as we went to sleep in peace knowing that we were safe.

~Chris's POV~
I watched as she fell asleep, no way I was going to sleep, I know him. He has escaped from every prison he's ever been put in and done a great deal of damage in the process. He most likely will be coming back, but I don't want to worry Rose with that information. Hopefully this prison will contain him, if he doesn't I will leave because it's me he wants, not Rose. These thoughts burdened me until I noticed the sun peeking out from underneath the shades as morning brightened my mood. I watched as Rose's eyes fluttered opened, she looked at me and smiled "how long have you been up?" She asked sleepily. "Only about 15 minutes" I lied.

Again I'm so sorry I didn't post and I feel really bad and so I have a surprise. I'm writing two stories at once. Is you mind blown yet? No? Ok listen to this my potato friends, I'm also starting up my first story again!!!  So HOLD ON TO YOUR HORSES! Things are about to get WILD. Thank you for coming! I'm here all week 😄

Word count: 1136

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